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Request for info


In 1989, the National Research Council (USA) published a book called 
Alternative Agriculture. It gave results of studies of costs and crop 
yields, including assessing soil condition, for a range of organic or 
'low input' farms (e.g. arable, mixed etc.), and attracted quite wide

Can anyone help me with info which updates this book, or point me
towards other recent data on organic agriculture, its viability etc.

Does anyone have figures for govt. funded research on sustainable
or 'alternative' agriculture in US or Europe esp. as proportion 
of total agric research?

Other significant moves whether community-based or govt? Or significant
technical developments?

To save sanet traffic, you can post replies direct to me. I'd be
happy to forward a compilation to anyone who requests it.

Many thanks.


Bob Hare
(Dr Robert Hare    e-mail: rhare@gn.apc.org)