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Final Conference Announcement


                 International Conference on 
           Boston, Massachusetts, USA  March 19-21, 1997 
  Organized by the Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and 
  Policy and the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture
  This conference will examine all aspects of the relationship between
  the quality/safety of food and the production systems used to raise
  it. Besides biological and technological aspects, the conference 
  also will deal with consumer attitudes, regulatory issues, and 
  agricultural development strategies. Speakers from 17 countries will 
  offer more than 50 presentations, including: 
      o Reports on new research
      o Reviews of current knowledge and research needs
      o Analysis of conceptual and methodological problems
      o Discussions of public policy implications 
  The conference is intended for researchers, farmers, consumer 
  groups, the food processing and marketing industry, and agencies 
  concerned with agricultural policy and public health.    

  PROGRAM SUMMARY (a list of all talks is given at the end)
  Wednesday, March 19
      o Conference introduction (1:30 PM)
      o Keynote Speaker: Catherine Woteki, Acting Undersecretary 
        for Research, Education and Economics, U.S. Department
        of Agriculture
      o Plenary Session: The agriculture-nutrition connection:
        Concepts and strategies (3:00 PM)
    Evening: Reception (6:30 PM)
  Thursday, March 20
      o Concurrent Sessions I (8:30 AM)
         A. Soils, fertilizers, and nutritional quality
         B. Meeting regional and national dietary needs
      o Concurrent Sessions II (10:45 AM)
         A. Panel: Reducing dietary pesticide risks 
         B. Community supported agriculture: Dietary implications   
      o Concurrent Sessions III (2:00 PM)
         A. Organic farming and food quality
         B. Enhancing nutritional quality and food safety
      o Poster Presentations (see list at end) (4:30 PM)
     Evening: Banquet (This will include a highly entertaining and
        informative presentation that is guaranteed to appeal to
        everyone, regardless of involvement with the conference theme.)
  Friday, March 21
      o Panel: "Food Quality": Concepts, goals, and strategies (8:30 AM)    
      o Concurrent Sessions IV (10:30 AM)
         A. Consumers' attitudes towards alternative systems 
         B. Defining and evaluating food quality
    Lunch, with concluding speech: Lawrence Woodward, Director, Elm Farm
      Research Centre (UK)   
    Conference Adjournment: 3:00 PM
  REGISTRATION FEE: US$135 (includes all program materials, 
  proceedings volume, refreshments and reception).
  CONFERENCE LOCATION: Holiday Inn Boston-Brookline, 1200 Beacon Street,
  Brookline, Massachusetts 02146; Telephone: (1) 617-277-1200; Fax: (1)
  The room rate for conference participants is $94 per night (plus tax)
  single or double, for reservations made by March 3, 1997. You
  should make their reservations directly with the hotel, indicating
  that you will be attending the Tufts conference. You must provide a
  credit card number to hold the reservation.
  By taxi: About 20 minutes (and $20) from Boston's Logan Airport. 
  By public transportation: St. Paul Street stop of the C Branch of the
     Green Line (4th above-ground stop westbound out of Boston). 
  By car: about 1 mile west of Kenmore Square.

  More about Boston: www.boston.com; www.bweb.com; www.ci.boston.ma.us
  PREVIOUS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: The proceedings volume from our
  previous conference, Environmental Enhancement through Agriculture, 
  is now available. 
  For contents and ordering information, or for further information 
  on the current conference or a printed version of this announcement,
  reply to the conference chair, William Lockeretz:
    Voice: (1) 617-627-3223; Fax: (1) 617-627-3887
    e-mail: wlockeretz@infonet.tufts.edu 
    School of Nutrition Science and Policy
    Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155
  [This notice also is available at our Web site:
                        International Conference on 
                             REGISTRATION FORM
   [Only one registrant per form, please; however, you may use this
    form to order additional meals for non-registering guests.]     
       AND POSTAL CODE:________________________________________________ 
  FAX:________________________   E-MAIL:_______________________________
  NUMBER OF MEALS:  [Menu preference: ____Vegetarian  ___Non-veg.] 
    March 20 Lunch:    ______ @ $12.50 = $______   
    March 20 Banquet:  ______ @ $25.00 = $______     
    March 21 Lunch:    ______ @ $12.50 = $______
                Subtotal, meals:         $______
  REGISTRATION FEE:                      $135.00
  TOTAL ENCLOSED:                        $______  
    [Receipt needed?]  ___Yes ___No]
  Make payment (U.S. funds only, please) to the order of "Trustees of
  Tufts College." Send this form, with payment, to: 
       Agriculture/Nutrition Conference 
       School of Nutrition Science and Policy
       Tufts University
       Medford, MA 02155 (USA)
  To insure a place, the registration form and payment must be received
  by March 5, 1997. (Payment is refundable, less a $10 processing fee,
  if cancellation is received by that date.)
                   International Conference on 
                        Oral Presentations 
                       (* denotes presenter)    

*****************Wednesday, March 19, 3:00 PM*******************

Plenary Session: The Agriculture-Nutrition Connection: 
                 Concepts and Strategies 

Food system approaches to improving nutrition and health
Gerald F. Combs, Jr.*, Ross M. Welch and John Duxbury (USA)

The role of international agencies in promoting a safe, high
quality and nutritious food supply
Gregory Orriss (UN Food & Agriculture Organization)

FOOD 21: Integrated research on production systems, product
quality, consumer and farmer aspects of sustainable
agricultural production
Ann-Christin Bylund, Rune Andersson, Anders Kiessling;
Lennart Bjorck, Per-Olow Sjoden* (Sweden)

Research and policy issues related to the nutritional quality
of alternatively produced foods
Kate Clancy (USA)

Review of soil and human health
Margaret A. Oliver (United Kingdom)

****************Thursday, March 20, 8:30 AM******************

  Session I-A: Soils, Fertilizers, and Nutritional Quality

Soil remineralization for sustainable agriculture
Joanna Campe, Tara A. O'Brien and Allen V. Barker (USA)

Relationship between soil quality and food quality for Ghanaian
Violet Quayson*, Francis Tetteh and A.B. Ankomah (Ghana)

Farming practices and food quality
Vida Rutkoviene (Lithuania)

Accumulation of nitrate in vegetables and phosphate in the
rhizosphere by overuse of organic fertilizer
Sang Mok Sohn (Republic of Korea)

******************Thursday, March 20, 8:30 AM****************

Session I-B: Regional and National Food Policies and Strategies

Regional dietary guidance: Is the Northeast nutritionally
Jennifer L. Wilkins* and Joan D. Gussow (USA)

The need for a "greener" revolution: Linking agricultural
systems to human nutrition, health and development
John M. Duxbury (USA)

Dilemmas in the European Union's policy for healthy food
Niels Heine Kristensen* and Thorkild Nielsen (Denmark)

The British food consumer: Victim or villain?
Sean Beer (United Kingdom)

****************Thursday, March 20, 10:45 AM*************************

 Session II-A: Panel on Reducing Exposure to Pesticides

Perspectives on the exposure of infants and children to pesticides 
in the diet
John Wargo (USA)

Assuring consumers a safe food supply: Whose job is it, anyway?
Jean M. Halloran and Michale K. Hansen (USA)

One field at a time: An agenda to dramatically reduce pesticides 
in the diet 
Charles Benbrook (USA)

****************Thursday, March 20, 10:45 AM*************************

 Session II-B: Community Supported Agriculture: Dietary Implications

Community supported agriculture: A study of shareholders' dietary patterns
and food practices
Nancy L. Cohen*, Jack P. Cooley, Robert B. Hall and Anne M. Stoddard (USA) 

Community Supported Agriculture and vegetable box schemes
Harriet Festing (United Kingdom)

Objectives and structure of a community supported farm in the
mid-Hudson River Valley and its effects on diet
Richard S. Feldman (USA)

******************Thursday, March 20, 2:00 PM***********************

     Session III-A: Organic Farming and Food Quality

Quality comparison of mineral, organic and biodynamically
cultivated potatoes: Contents, strength criteria, sensory
investigations, and picture-creating methods
D.G. Schulz*, K. Koch, K.-H. Krome and U. Kopke (Germany)

Yield, product quality and soil life after long-term organic
or mineral fertilization
Joachim Raupp (Germany)

Long-term field experiment in Sweden: Effects of organic and
inorganic fertilizers on soil fertility and crop quality
Artur Granstedt* and Lars Kjellenberg (Finland/Sweden)

Comparison of selected nutrients in organic vs. conventionally
grown potatoes under controlled growing conditions
Joseph Maga* and Karen Wilken (USA)

Effect of organic vs. conventional techniques on quality of
peach fruits: Observations on quality and post-harvest life
M. Antonelli*, M.R. Tabilio and A. Chiariotti (Italy)

******************Thursday, March 20, 2:00 PM*******************

  Session III-B: Enhancing Nutritional Quality and Food Safety 

Integrated pest management in non-rice food crops in
Indonesia: Opportunities to reduce chemical pesticide use
Michael Hammig*, Aunu Rauf and Gerald Carner (USA/Indonesia)

Exploring the potential to enhance dietary iron from a green
leafy vegetable
Anusuya Rangarajan (USA)

Achieving improved nutritional quality through changed meat
production technologies
Helen H. Jensen (USA)

A systems analysis of BSE: Lessons to be learned
Sean Beer (United Kingdom)

The role of food processing for improving the nutritive value
and cooking quality of legume seeds
M.M. Tabekha (Egypt)

******************Friday, March 21, 10:30 AM********************

 Session IV-A: Consumers' Attitudes Towards Alternative Systems

Consumer perceptions of locally grown IPM produce: CORE Values
Northeast Apple Project
Molly D. Anderson (USA)

Consumer attitudes toward organic fresh produce: A comparison
of surveys from 1991 and 1995
Ed Sparling, Karen Wilken* and John McKenzie (USA)

Consumer demand for organically grown food products in urban
China: Evidence from survey data
Qingbin Wang*, Catherine Halbrendt and Shwu-Eng H. Webb (USA)

Marketing of organically grown agricultural products in
Turkey: Current status and future prospects
Sedef Akgungor*, Canan Abay and Bulent Miran (Turkey)

Consumer response to organic vegetables: A case study of
emerging trends in developing countries
Mahesh Chander* and H.C. Tewari (India)

********************Friday, March 21, 10:30 AM********************

      Session IV-B: Defining and Evaluation Food Quality

Broadening the concept of quality for animal products: 
A German perspective
Engelhard Boehncke (Germany)

Improving the nutritional quality of foods using sustainable
soil-plant-animal system approaches
Ross M. Welch (USA)

Critical evaluation of complex parameters and methods for food
quality assessment: What are the facts? What do they mean?
Joachim Raupp (Germany)

The Quality Index: A holistic approach to describe the quality
of food
D.G. Schulz* and U. Kopke (Germany)

Historical changes in the mineral content of fruits and
vegetables: A cause for concern?
Anne-Marie Mayer (United Kingdom)

***********************Poster Presentations************************

Grass feeding impact on cholesterol and fat levels in beef cattle
A. Gil*, V. Urrestarazu and S. Huertas, Facultad de Veterinaria
Beef carcass washing with lactic acid solutions: An economic analysis 
of a case study
Melvin G. Blase& and Donald L. Van Dyne (USA)

Designing broiler feeding regimes for the production of
nutritionally enhanced breast meat
M.E. Van Elswyk* and J.W. Mooney (USA)
Are colored bell peppers as high in Vitamin C as the green ones?
A.H. Simonne*, E.H. Simonne and R.R. Eitenmiller (USA)

Nutritional evaluation of carrots cultivated in conventional and
ecological farming systems: A paired-farm comparison
Hanne Torjusen (Norway)
Comparison of selected vitamins in organic vs. conventionally 
grown carrots and broccoli as purchased
Joseph Maga, Karen Wilken* and Chia-Hsiang Shao (USA)
Comparison of selected nutrients in organically grown spinach,
broccoli varietals, and winter squash as influenced by storage 
Joseph Maga*, Karen Wilken and Lewis Grant (USA)
Possible approaches to increasing production and availability 
of Vitamin A-containing foods
Leda E. Nemer* and Clive E. West (USA/The Netherlands)
The effect of an alternative cropping system on tomato fruit
Amy Oberly*, John Masiunas and Mosbah Kushad (USA)
Effect of soil fertility management regimes on crop iron
Virginia Worthingtonl, Jeff Buyer, Pat Millner and Laurie 
Drinkwater* (USA)  

Development of a fully automated analysis of the riboflavin
vitamers in unfortified foods
L. Faye Russell* and Lydia Brooks (Canada)

Meeting the dietary trends of Kentuckians through agricultural 
Sandra Bastin (USA)