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PANUPS:Resourc Resource Pointer #118
Pesticide Action Network
North America
Updates Service
Resource Pointer #118
March 6, 1997
For copies of the following resources, please contact
the appropriate publishers or organizations directly.
*Linking Science and Technology to Society's
Environmental Goals, 1996.* National Research Council.
Evaluates how science and technology can help advance
environmental goals. Examines several broad
environmental issues, including risk assessment,
environmental monitoring and chemical contamination.
Makes recommendations for improving monitoring of
environmental conditions and using technology to achieve
environmental objectives. 530 pp. US$69.95. (Contact
National Academy Press for ordering outside U.S.).
National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW,
Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055; phone toll free (800)
624-6242 or (202) 334-3313; fax (202) 334-2451;
*ISO 14001: International Environmental Management
Systems Standards -- Five Key Questions for Developing
Country Officials, 1996.* UN Conference on Trade and
Development. Discusses how developing country officials
perceive legal, political and economic ramifications of
ISO 14001, a voluntary system of environmental standards
for businesses developed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO). 127 pp. US$20
for NGOs; US$30 for others. Benchmark Environmental
Consulting, 49 Dartmouth Street, Portland, ME 04101;
phone (207) 775-9078; fax (207) 772-3539; email
*ISO 14001: An Uncommon Perspective, 1996.* Benchmark
Environmental Consulting. Examines ISO 14001, stressing
that it is not a standard for achieving environmental or
social objectives. Describes how ISO 14001 does not
necessarily advance environmental improvement or public
participation. Provides brief overview of ISO standards.
27 pp. US$15 for NGOs; US$20 for others. Benchmark
Environmental Consulting (see above).
*Engaging Stakeholders: The Benchmark Survey (Volume 1),
1996.* SustainAbility and UN Environment Programme
(UNEP). Examines recent developments in company
environmental reporting from report-makers' perspective.
The company environmental report (CER) program is a
voluntary system intended to improve environmental
conditions by facilitating information flow from
companies to stakeholders. Provides contact information
for accessing CERs from range of companies including
DuPont, ICI and Monsanto. UK$80 for Volumes 1 and 2.
SustainAbility, 49-53 Kensington High Street, London, W8
5ED, England; phone (44 171) 937-9996; fax (44 171) 937-
7447; email info@sustainability.co.uk.
*Engaging Stakeholders: The Case Studies (Volume 2),
1996.* SustainAbility and UN Environment Programme
(UNEP). Examines company environmental reports (CERs)
from perspective of report-users. Includes case studies
that examine usefulness of CERs to 12 stakeholders,
including Greenpeace, the Danish Environmental
Protection Agency, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and
other organizations. UK$80 for Volumes 1 and 2.
SustainAbility (see above).
We encourage those interested in having resources listed
in the Online Resource Pointer to send review copies of
publications, videos or other sources to our office
(address listed below) or to contact Information Program
Associate Adam Kirshner for further information.
| Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) |
| |
| Phone:(415) 541-9140 Fax:(415) 541-9253 |
| Email: panna@panna.org http://www.panna.org/panna/|
| PANNA, 116 New Montgomery, #810, San Francisco, CA 94105 |
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