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PANUPS: Resource Pointer #119

                         P A N U P S
                   Pesticide Action Network 
                        North America
                       Updates Service

Resource Pointer #119

March 27, 1997

For copies of the following resources, please contact 
the appropriate publishers or organizations directly.


*Toxic Deception: How the Chemical Industry Manipulates 
Science, Bends the Law, and Endangers Your Health, 
1997.* Dan Fagin, Marianne Lavelle and the Center for 
Public Integrity. Investigates tactics used by the 
chemical industry to keep chemicals in use and to ward 
off regulations and prohibitions. Describes close 
relationships between government regulators and 
industry, and documents cases in which unethical or 
illegal corporate practices have helped keep hazardous 
chemicals on the market, including the herbicides 
atrazine and alachlor. Offers recommendations for 
improving U.S. chemical regulatory system. 294 pp. 
US$24.95. Birch Lane Press, Carol Publishing Group, 120 
Enterprise Avenue, Secaucus, NY 07094; phone toll free 
(800) 447-BOOK or (201) 866-0490; fax (201) 271-7894.

*Greenwash: The Reality Behind Corporate 
Environmentalism, 1996.* Jed Greer and Kenny Bruno. 
Provides overview of transnational corporations' impacts 
on global environment and describes extent of industry 
"greenwashing" to cover up environmental harm. 
Investigates environmental claims of 20 global 
corporations and documents range of abuses by DuPont, 
Ciba Geigy, Monsanto, Dow and other companies. Discusses 
how citizens can recognize and challenge greenwashing. 
256 pp. US$18.95. The Apex Press, 777 United Nations 
Plaza, Suite 3C, New York, NY 10017; phone (212) 972-
9877; fax (212) 972-9878; email cipany@igc.org.

*Betrayal of Science and Reason: How Anti-Environmental 
Rhetoric Threatens Our Future, 1996.* Paul Ehrlich and 
Anne Ehrlich. Documents how industry and right wing 
organizations distort science to roll back or discourage 
environmental regulations. Discusses the role of news 
media in disseminating anti-environmental and anti-
public health myths, such as that ozone depletion is a 
hoax, pesticides will solve world hunger and that risks 
of toxic substances are greatly exaggerated. Describes 
worst offenders in advancing these myths, and provides 
scientific background information on many environmental 
issues, including global warming, biodiversity and 
toxins. 335 pp. US$24.95. Shearwater Books/Island Press, 
Box 7, Dept. 2PR, Covelo, CA 95428; phone toll free 
(800) 828-1302 or (707) 983-6432; fax (707) 983-6414; 
email ipwest@igc.org.

*Corporations Are Gonna Get Your Mama: Globalization and 
the Downsizing of the American Dream, 1996.* Kevin 
Danaher, ed. Presents anthology of writings on economic 
globalization and the expansion of corporate power, 
including chapters on corporate crime, corporate 
welfare, the World Bank and free trade agreements. 
Offers recommendations for challenging globalization and 
fighting multinationals, and discusses alternatives 
being promoted by labor, environmental and other 
organizations worldwide. 221 pp. US$15.95. Global 
Exchange, 2017 Mission Street, Suite 303, San Francisco, 
CA 94110; phone (415) 255-7296; fax (415) 255-7498; 
email globalexch@igc.org.

*Global Pesticide Campaigner (GPC), March 1997.* PANNA. 
Quarterly periodical of pesticide and sustainable 
agriculture news. March 1997 issue features history of 
methyl bromide production, stressing the role of its 
main producers -- especially Albermarle, an offspring of 
DuPont, GM and Exxon -- in fighting restrictions on 
toxic chemicals. Issue also includes articles about Bt-
cotton, Peruvian pesticide reform and food security. 
Every GPC issue also provides worldwide news updates and 
summaries of recent books and other resources related to 
pesticides. Subscription rates: US$25 -- individuals and 
non-profit organizations; US$50 -- small businesses, 
government, public libraries; US$100 -- corporations. 
Free to NGOs in developing countries. Contact PANNA.

We encourage those interested in having resources listed 
in the Online Resource Pointer to send review copies of 
publications, videos or other sources to our office 
(address listed below) or to contact Information Program 
Associate Adam Kirshner for further information.  

|      Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)       |
|                                                           |
| Phone:(415) 541-9140           Fax:(415) 541-9253         |
| Email: panna@panna.org         http://www.panna.org/panna/|
| PANNA, 116 New Montgomery, #810, San Francisco, CA 94105  |
|                                                           |
|*To subscribe to PANUPS send email to MAJORDOMO@igc.apc.org|
| with the following text on one line: subscribe panups     |
| To unsubscribe send the following: unsubscribe panups     |
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|*For basic information about PANNA, send an email message  |
| to panna-info@igc.apc.org                                 |