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Following is information on "The Other Economic Summit" that I thought you
might find useful in your work on sustainable community development.
>Thanks for your interest.  Let me know if there are workshops that
>interest you in particular for which you would want to be considered.  Our
>program in development is posted on our web page.
> ---Larry Martin
>                        Executive Secretary, TOES`97
>                                TOESDC@igc.apc.org
>                          The Other Economic Summit
>                        "TOES" Denver, CO, USA  1997
>              "Working Alternatives: A World that Works"
>                http://pender.ee.upenn.edu/~rabii/toes/
>"The old Lakota was wise. He knew that a man's heart, away from nature,
>becomes hard; he knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon
>led to a lack of respect for humans too."    Luther Standing Bear
>...an Invitation...
>"Working Alternatives: A World that Works"
>Denver, Colorado USA * June 20-22, 1997
>Colorado community members are preparing a range of program and community
>expressions called the Peoples' Summit to challenge the prevailing policy of
>the Group of Seven.  The G-7 is comprised of the  largest industrialized
>countries (sometimes called "G-8" to include Russia).  For weeks preceding
>the G-7 Summit Coloradoans will conduct public education, culminating with
>actions, cultural events, workshops and participation in The Other Economic
>Summit - convened at the same time as the G-7.  Not invited to the G-7?
>Come to the Peoples' Summit!
>(To subscribe to the TOES97 listserver, send an e-mail message to
>LISTSERV@listserv.syr.edu leaving the subject line blank. The message
>should read only "subscribe TOES97 firstname lastname", e.g., subscribe
>TOES97 Maria Fuentes)
>Since 1984 The Other Economic Summit (TOES)  has convened annually as a
>popular expression of discontent with the limitations of economic policy
>advanced by the G-7.   Held each year concurrently with the G-7 meeting in
>each of the respective G-7 countries in turn, The Other Economic Summit
>takes on the character of the host country's social justice, economic
>democracy and environmental advocacy concerns, and also reflects the larger
>international community.  TOES '90 in Texas drew 1000 people from 40
>In 1997, TOES has chosen the theme "Working Alternatives: A World That
>Works" expressing the advocacy community's desire to advance a positive
>alternative to the "big business as usual"  of the G-7. People around the
>world have significant and often moving stories to tell about their efforts
>to create alternatives that are working in their communities, businesses and
>lives.  For some, their work is a matter of immediate survival; for others,
>it is the intellectual and social challenge of this era.  TOES `97 provides
>the venue to share these experiences and to examine together how we can
>strengthen the forms, connections and power of the vast mosaic our separate
>efforts are building.
>In 1996, 50,000 people marched in France to tell the G-7 leaders that their
>policies of structural adjustment and corporate globalism were far from
>satisfactory.  In 1997 we look forward to your participation in TOES and the
>Peoples' Summit to send this message again.  Come help build a politics and
>economics that values people, communities and the Earth.  Come learn,
>educate and show your support for :
>The most recent program is available for viewing at
>         http://pender.ee.upenn.edu/~rabii/toes/
>if you can't access it, email request for copy to toesdc.ipc.apc.org
>questions to toesdc.ipc.org or fax to 212.972.9878 Attention: TOES
>In stark contrast to the scripted G-7 Summits, the TOES program is dynamic
>and participatory.  A program framework for organizing each day's discussion
>utilizes a query process, but we also made plenty of room for unstructured
>explorations.  From local exchange trading systems to transformational
>philosophy, from the global to the neighborhood, TOES is an exploration of
>working alternatives to the exhausted development policies of the G-7.
>Day 1 Program: What is Real Wealth?  What can people and communities do to
>create sustainable livelihoods within sustainable communities? Ruth Caplan,
>Alliance for Democracy; Melanie Stafford, NOW; Susan Davis, WEDO; Romesh
>Diwan, RPI; David Barkin, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana; Alanna
>Hartzok, Earth Rights Institute.
>Day 2 Program: What is Real Sustainability& Progress?  What works to
>restrain the anti- democratic consequences of increasing concentrations of
>wealth?  Jeff Barber, Integrative Strategies Forum; Trent Schroyer, School
>of Theoretical and Applied Science, Ramapo College; Jaimie Cloud and Lynn
>Kalsched, American Forum on Global Education.
>Day 3 Program: What is Real International Security?   What works to create
>regional networks of peoples' organizations?  Mariclaire Acosta, Comision
>Mexicana de Defensa Y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos; Lisa Duran, Rights
>for All People and Clinica Tepeyac; C. Douglas Lummis, Tsuda College, Tokyo;
>Ronnie Dugger, Alliance for Democracy.
>Also invited: Vandana Shiva, Amory Lovins (Rocky Mountain Institute), Susan
>George (Transnational Institute), Wangari Mathai (Greenbelt Movement).
>June 20 to 22 - arrive the 19th for a reception and an early start Friday!
>Summit registration has a sliding fee.  We project an average cost of $95
>per registrant to support the expense of the program.  The Peoples' Summit
>depends upon registration fees to meet the majority of Summit expenses.  No
>one will be turned away.  Registrations above $95 and contributions will
>support the participation of others unable to pay as much, but whose
>participation is essential.  These tax deductible contributions toward
>scholarships are welcome.  Volunteer assistance during the Summit is
>appreciated.  On-site registrations will also be accepted for single days.
>There are no paid staff for the presentation of TOES '97.
>Registration includes admittance to all day programs, and a reception on the
>19th, but does not include meals. A preconference confirmation mailing,
>conference materials, and the conference newsletters are included in all
>registrations.   The new TOES book "A World that Works" is included as a
>premium with all registrations of $95 or more.  Fees go entirely towards
>Summit production and scholarships.  Transportation and other events, such
>as dinners with speakers, or evening speakers may carry additional fees.
>Lodging will be provided at the University of Denver Campus on a first come
>first served basis for those who pay in advance with this registration.  70
>single accommodations and 220 double accommodations are available.  Prices
>are $20 per night/person for doubles and $27 for singles.  Note your double
>partner, or we'll lodge you with same sex.   Bedding & towels are provided,
>but not washcloths.
>Reimbursements on lodging not guaranteed.
>Reimbursements on registration, minus $25 handling, if made before June 10.
>Transportation and other motel lodging arrangements (not dorms) can be made
>with Colorado World Travel. 1901 Clarkson Street, Denver, CO 80218; TEL
>(800) 274-1228; FAX (303) 830 7910; email: "cwtravel1@aol.com"  Hours: M-F
>9am-7pm Mtn.Time, Sa 11am-3pm. Ask for Carol or Josephine, and be sure to
>mention TOES. Travelers are encouraged to make reservations early to arrange
>for the best rates available.  June weather in Denver can include rain with
>highs in the 90s and lows in the 60s.
>   The Other Economic Summit "Working Alternatives: A World that Works"
>                       Denver, Colorado USA * June 20-22, 1997
> fax
>Registration:   $150_____  $95_____  $50_____  $_____
>I'd like to make a tax deductible contribution for scholarships of $_________
>Please register me for lodging at the University of Denver ___yes
>Indicate below 's' for single or 'd' for double (partner?______________)
>evening of 19th____,  20th____,  21st____  total lodging $_____
>Total enclosed (registration and lodging)  $_____
>Please contact me about a table in the Exposition____
>Please send literature on backpacking with others after the Summit ____
>Please send info on other non-workshop Denver activity____
>Please send info on Teacher's Sustainability Workshop on 19th____
>I would be interested in discussing with others one of the following topics:
>GATT/WTO__, Income equity in Denver metro__ NAFTA__,
>Community Sustainability__, Mexico social justice__, International
>security__, Carbon & other "Green" taxes__, Corporate accountability__,
>Economic literacy__, Corporate subsidies__,  other:
>Press Accreditation
>The *Application for Media Accreditation* can be ordered into a fax (see
>below).  Instructions state: "an original letter of assignment from your
>editor/manager on your media outlet letterhead (no photocopies or faxes)"
>and 2 passport-size color photos with your name and news organization
>printed on the back must be provided to the United States Information
>Agency's Foreign Press Center: Denver Media Accreditation, Foreign Press
>Center, 898 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045.  The deadline
>for returning this form is May 23.
>To get a copy of the "Application for Media Accreditation", call the U.S.
>Information Agency's Foreign Press Center's "Fax on Demand" number:
>202-724-0050, and ask for document number 312.   For further information,
>contact the Washington Foreign Press Center Denver Media accreditation
>Information line:  202-724-1635 or Program Officer, Jonathan Baker at
>(202) 724-0040.  Folks in Denver can call Robin Schepper  303.446.5200 and
>pick up the form at their office.

Michelle Miller
1575 Linden Drive
Madison,WI  53706

FAX  262-5217

Home Office 608/255-1503
Home Fax     608/255-5885