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Pesticide Free Consumers

A note of thanks to the seven persons who responded to my request for a
profile on pesticide free consumers.  Since I received three requests to
share the results of that posting, I am including the following summary.  I
have eliminated the name of the sender, except in two cases in which public
institutions are involved.  By the way, nearly every posting included the
Hartman Report, and you will notice that two different addresses are given.
I do not know if they are both correct.  Again, thanks for the responses,
and we must say that the system works well and has great utility when
properly used. 

When I mentioned the Hartman Report on SANet last week
I thought it was widely available, but I found out otherwise.
The Hartman Report: Food and the Environment, Phase I and II
by the Hartman Group presents results of the first comprehensive effort to
define the
market for sustainably produced agricultural products from a
consumer's perspective. Only available from:

The Food Alliance,
Deborah Kane, 
2703 NE 11th, 
Portland, OR 97212; 

Deborah is the newly hired director of The Food Alliance, and 
doesn't have her computer on-line yet, so no e-mail...

I suggest you contact Harvey Hartman re. a recent report for which the
citation is given below.  His work was supported by the Kellogg Foundation.

Hartman, H.  1996.  The Hartman Report, Food and the Environment:  a
Consumer's Perspective, Phase I. 
The Hartman Group, 10422 S.E. 14th St., Bellevue, WA  98004	206-451-9094;
FAX 452-1506 or 382-1464	hartma29@nwlink.com	[See short news article,
"Consumer study:  more than 50% would buy green",  Aug. 96, Natural
Business.  p.5]

A paper that I believe is one of the best ones I have read on this topic
and covers the profiles of various consumers  groups purchasing organic
produce is as follows:

"Consumer Profiles of Buyers and Non Buyers of Organic Produce",
Jolly, D.A., 1992, Organic Farming Symposium, Asilomar, California,
January 22nd-23rd

If this paper is difficult to access please contact me and I will send a
hard copy through the mail.

Chris Alenson
Organic Advisory Service
Organic Retailers & Growers Association of Australia

There have been several studies of organic consumers. I have included the 
results of an AGRICOLA database search, 1991-1997 publications, with this 
message.  I hope that they will be helpful.  

You also might wish to check out the New Hope Communication website, as 
their "Natural Foods Merchandiser" has published various studies of 
organic/natural foods consumers:

Mary V. Gold, Assistant Coordinator
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA
10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 304
Beltsville MD 20705-2351
phone 301-504-6559; fax 301-504-6409
e-mail mgold@nal.usda.gov
URL: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic

 No.    Records    Request 
   1       7713    organic* 
   2      38807    food 
   3       7200    foods 
   4       5295    vegetable* 
   5       9098    fruit 
   6       5295    fruits 
   7      16906    culture 
   8      17586    farm* 
   9        678    (organic*) near2 (food or foods or vegetable* or fruit or
fruits or culture or farm*) 
  10       7713    organic* 
  11       9248    grown 
  12         40    organic* near2 grown 
  13        695    #9 or #12 
  14        658    (#13 in ti) or (#13 in de) or (#13 in id) 
  15       3642    consumer* 
  16       3642    consumer* 
  17       3642    consumer* 
  18       2488    (consumer* in ti) or (consumer* in de) or (consumer* in id) 
  19         32    #14 and #18 
  20     442605    la=english 
  21         32    #19 and (la=english) 
  22     377854    py=1991-1997 
* 23         26    #21 and (py=1991-1997) 

Myron Shenk, Extension
Pesticide Applicator Training Coordinator
2040 Cordley Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-2915 
Tel. 541/737-6274
FAX: 541/737-3080

IPPC = Integrated Plant Protection Center of
       Oregon State University