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Legal Challenge to Monsanto in Ireland

Please forward this message to any others who may be interested, or who
may be able to help us with this landmark case.

Legal Challenge to Monsanto in Ireland

The Case So Far… 

On May 1st, 1997 the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted
Monsanto the first licence in Ireland for a deliberate release of
genetically modified organisms - in this case Round-Up Ready sugar beet.
Monsanto had applied for the license to test-plant in three locations,
but had later narrowed their application to one site at a research
centre on government owned land in Carlow.

Clare Watson, a founder member of Genetic Concern! immediately sought a
High Court Judicial Review of the EPA’s decision to grant a license. An
interim injunction prevented the planting from going ahead, and leave to
seek a Judicial Review was granted.

The injunction was later overturned, and although the planting has gone
ahead, the Judicial Review Hearing will be held in December. If the
Court finds that the licences were improperly granted, Monsanto will
have abandon the 4 year test. We have recently received a list of
discovery documents from the EPA.

We need Help!! 

We need help with compiling evidence. 

Ideally we need to gather evidence from eminent scientists who can help,
particularly with results of research in this area. Other evidence may
also be useful - especially any relevant reports that are clearly
referenced and published in reputable journals..

We also need assistance with funding. There are considerable expenses
associated with taking a case to the High Court, and even more if we end
up in the Supreme Court. If you are able to help us in this area, you
will find a form for VISA donations at the end of this mail, we will
gratefully accept donations in any format that can be conver