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Re: comments on UDSA/NOP cost and benefits to organic farmers and handlers

I feel that if the USDA truly wants to help the small farmer they would not
charge the small farmer one cent extra if he want to sell his organic crop
as organic.,  

The USDA says they are looking to help the small farmer by starting things
like this:

We are seeking testimony from various sources to arrive at 
conclusions and recommendations that will ensure the continued 
viability of small farms. The Commission requests that testimony and 
comments include ideas and recommendations based on the following 
questions. Concerns or problems of individual farms that relate to 
specific USDA programs should be addressed only in the context of a 
recommendation for the Commission to consider.    The questions are:
    1. How are current USDA programs helping or hurting the viability 
of small farms?    2. What are the needs of small farms in terms of
research, extension, marketing and risk management and other areas? 
What recommendations would you make about these needs that could be 
part of a long-range strategy to ensure the continued viability of small
    3. Are there innovative non-governmental or state efforts to assist 
beginning and smaller independent farms that might be replicated or 
supplemented at the Federal level?
    4. What changes in USDA policy or practices are needed to make USDA 
programs in the areas of credit, research, extension, marketing, risk 
management and other areas more effective in enabling small farms to 
survive and thrive?
    5. What new programs could provide effective and affordable support 
for small farmers as commodity programs are phased out?[[Page 45618]]
    6. What can be done to assist beginning farmers and farm workers to 
become farm owners?
    7. What role should the Federal government play to ensure a 
diversified, decentralized and competitive farm structure?
    8. What do small farms contribute to your community and your state?
    9. What other generic issues pertaining to small farms should the 
Commission consider?
I would say that the USDA will go a long way to help the small farmer by
raising the small farmers  exemption to 50 acres or more before the extra
expenses kicks in. http://www.cfarm.com/nosb/OrganicCrop/4farmer.htm

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