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RE: organic investing

See article " There's Big Green in Organic Food; Business Week / Oct 6,
1997 pg 170 for list of traded companies, their stock price and PER  -
Hain Food Group, Organic Food Products, United Natural Foods, Westbrae
Natural, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats Markets

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	D.B.Sullivan [SMTP:Buffalob@mhtc.net]
> Sent:	Wednesday, October 08, 1997 11:28 AM
> To:	kellyd@ext.missouri.edu; sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
> Cc:	rwack-sa@worldnet.att.net
> Subject:	Re: organic investing
> Organic Investing - look for public held companies in the distribution
> chain
> ie like whole foods , fresh fields (I don't know if they are publicly
> held)
> or look at IPM companies. Most organic producers are small private
> entities
> or if you really want to invest become a venture capitalist an fund a
> and use that entity to become vertical intergrated . 
> ----------
> From: kellyd@ext.missouri.edu
> To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
> Cc: rwack-sa@worldnet.att.net
> Subject: organic investing
> Date: Wednesday, October 08, 1997 12:05 PM
>      I have had someone who is interested in knowing who to contact
> about 
>      learning more about investing in the organic stock market.  At
> this 
>      time, he is investing in several different ventures and has been
> in 
>      contact with his stock broker in NY who doesn't seem to know
> where to 
>      turn.  Any suggestions or contacts would be greatly appreciated.
>      Thanks,
>      Debi Kelly, Project Manager
>      Missouri Alternatives Center
>      628 Clark Hall
>      Columbia, MO 65211
>      573-882-1905
>      kellyd@ext.missouri.edu
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