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Conference Announcement/Call for Papers (fwd)

For more information contact
Lynn Meinholz at (608) 262-3658, or visit our home page at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 13:39:16 -0500
From: Lynn Meinholz <lmmeinho@facstaff.wisc.edu>
To: san@nal.usda.gov
Subject: Conference Announcement/Call for Papers

The North American Program of the Land Tenure Center, University of
Wisconsin-Madison is pleased to announce its upcoming conference, Who Owns
America? II:  How Land and Natural Resources are Owned and Controlled. 
The conference will be held June 3- 6, 1998 at the University of

Our primary goals are: 

* provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information about land and
natural resource tenure issues in North American--Canada, Northern Mexico,
and the U.S. and
* assemble as large and diverse a group of interested parties as possible.

The following paragraphs are provided to give you additional information
about major themes that will be emphasized in the conference. 

Who Owns America? II follows our highly successful 1995 conference, which
brought together participants ranging from academics to activists to
discuss North American land tenure issues.  The event drew national media
attention and rave reviews from participants. 

Thanks to generous support from the W.K. Kellogg, Otto Bremer, and Ford
Foundations, we hope to draw even wider participation to this conference.
Proposals for papers, panels, poster sessions, and films/videos on any
topic related to land tenure in North America are welcome.  However, the
conference will emphasize the following themes: 

A Bundle of Rights:  Law, Policy and the Politics of Land  

This theme examines how law, policy and politics figure into land
ownership controversies.  In addition, sessions that showcase innovative
legal and policy alternatives are encouraged.  Topics might include, "Did
government create property rights and if so, can it modify these rights on
behalf of the greater good?"  or "Can land values be maintained without
land use controls?" 

Cultures, Ethics, and the Land

This theme is designed to generate dialogue about ways in which culture,
ethics and values play themselves out in our understanding of land
ownership and control over natural resources.  Influenced by race,
ethnicity and gender, culture is the sum total of our values and beliefs.
Sample topics:  "How are perceptions of land tenure affected by cultural
values and land ethics?"  or "What conflicts arise as a result?" 

For Land and Money:  Economic Realities and Alternatives

The relationships between land markets, land use regulations, and the
environment are the focus of this theme, as are sessions that explore the
interplay between economics and land tenure in the broadest sense.  Topics
such as these are of interest:  "Can the market alone regulate land use
and the environment?"  "What obligation do lenders have, if any, apart
from meeting market-driven demands?"  "How do government actions such as
taxation and regulation affect land tenure?" 

This Land Was My Land:  Land Loss Prevention and Recovery

This theme explores how people lose their land, what can be done to
prevent further loss, and the existing strategies for recovering land. 
Land loss in North America has many faces:  midwest farmers, Native
Americans (including Native Alaskans), southern Black landowners, urban
elderly, Latino colonia residents.  Topics of particular interest include: 
"How can fractionated heir property be avoided?"  "Do lease arrangments
play a role in land loss?"  "Can land trusts prevent land loss?" 
Natural Resources Ownership and Management

Control over and use of forest, water, mineral, fish and wildlife
resources continue to generate controversy.  This theme seeks to foster
discussion of natural resource ownership and management controversies, and
how to avoid them.  "What are these controversies really about?"  "How are
dependent communities, business interests, and future generations affected
by struggles over resource use and their outcomes?"  What are alternative
ways of approaching resource management and property rights?" 

Thank you for your assistance in publicizing the conference.  If we can
provide you with additional information about the conference, please
contact Professor Gene Summers or Lynn Meinholz at (608) 262-3658 or
e-mail ltc-nap@facstaff.wisc.edu. 


Gene Summers, Director 
North American Program



Who Owns America?  II
How Land and Natural Resources 
are Owned and Controlled

A North American conference hosted by the Land Tenure Center, North
American Program, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 3-6 June 1998.  The
conference will bring together public policymakers, grassroots activists,
business interests, academic representatives, non-governmental
organizations, and private citizens interested in tenure issues from the
United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico. 
DEADLINE: 1 November 1997 

Proposals for papers, panels, posters, and videos/films or for organizing
a session should be submitted by 1 November 1997 to Gene Summers,
Director, North American Program, Land Tenure Center, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1357 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715;  fax (608)
262-2141;  e-mail:  <ltc-nap@facstaff.wisc.edu>.  Abstracts or
descriptions should not exceed two double-spaced typewritten pages.  A
limited number of travel scholarships are available for persons whose
participation requires financial assistance.  For more information contact
Lynn Meinholz at (608) 262-3658, or visit our home page at

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