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Beef and ultrasound technology

     Dear Sanet,
     I am working with a group of beef producers in  NE Missouri who are 
     beginning  to direct market.  They are seeking a means to insure  
     (or be reasonably certain) that their meat is of  'choice'  quality.  
     THis spring, the group experimented with ultrasound of  animals after 
     they had been on feed for 60 days to learn projected grade, backfat,  
     and ribeye  area.   THey would like to explore this as a tool they 
     could learn to utlize themselves-without 'hiring in' an equipment 
     Are any of you  experienced with  the use of ultrasound as a means 
     to gauge carcass  quality?
     What  extent of training is needed to  insure accurate   reading of 
     Please note that this group is NOT making a choice claim, but wants to 
     direct market only animals that approach  those standards. Animals not 
     on that level will be  directed toward another market (sale  barn, 
     commercial  feed lots, etc)
     Any insight  you are able to offer would be appreciated.
     Laura Ann Bergman
     "Building Sustainable  Communities Through Agriculture"
     PO Box 310
     Lancaster, MO  63548

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