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Re: Latest on Roundup and Resistance

Charles Benbrook wrote: (snips)
>        Wonder if Monsanto will start offering rebates on cultivators, to
>sort of compliment their technology charge.  

And when/if the RR gene transfers from canola 
to related brassicas, will Monsanto be liable
for the increased costs to zero till farmers?
They have so aggressively defended their ownership
rights to the gene, I wonder if they will be
so willing to retain responsibility for the gene 
when/if it goes astray.....?
   Seriously, I think that the rate of GE 
introductions will decrease when the developers
realise that they might face a massive liability.
Whether we support GE in principle or not, I think
we need to make sure that the promoters hang around 
to take responsibility for their mistakes!


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