

new book release--------->


On June 24-25, 1994 one hundred bamboo professionals and enthusiasts
gathered in Gold Beach, Oregon to focus on the future of the fledgling
bamboo industry in the Pacific Northwest. The two days that followed were
loaded with the intensity only "bambuseros" (a word coined for American
bamboo lovers) can achieve when brought together in large groups to
exchange knowledge. Those who attended gained new understanding about the
process of developing bamboo as a agro-forestry crop for our region.

The active group listened to a day of presentations by a series of
speakers. The next day, a work session of bamboo specialists and interested
people moderated by local host, Gib Cooper,  produced  a list of seven
attainable goals for  developing the the bamboo industry in the Pacific
Northwest. One of the goals was to compile the presentations and work
session into a book.

BAMBOO IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST is the result of Gib Cooper's editing seven
manuscripts  and the work session. The book (and workshop) is the first in
a series of attempts to organize and quantify the business of bamboo
production, product development and marketing. The ninety pages discuss
paper pulp development, bamboo history and ecology, bamboo on the farm,
results of bamboo in permaculture plantings, timber bamboo pole production,
and include an interesting article on developing a bamboo plantation in
Vietnam. In addition to providing a summary of the workshop, the editor
updates progress of the goals since 1994. Also included is a list of
participating organizations and individuals.

Sales of the book will aid in funding the 1997  Pacific Northwest Bamboo
Agro-forestry Workshop scheduled for June 21-22, 1997 at Centralia College
in Washington state. The workshop is actively supported by the Pacific
Northwest Chapter of the American Bamboo Society (PNC-ABS).

BAMBOO IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST is now available. To have a copy shipped to
you in the USA send a check made out to PNC-ABS for $18. Mail the check to
PNW Bamboo Workshop, 28446 Hunter Creek Loop, Gold Beach, OR 97444. Copies
of the book can also be purchased for $15 at meetings and events of the
PNC-ABS. Contact Dean Hines, 15211 -91st Ave. SE, Snohomish, WA 98290 for
information about joining the society. Dues are $10 a year. The PNC-ABS is
the largest regional chapter of the American Bamboo Society.

  /H\\H                             H                               //H
   H /H \  Gib Cooper               H\   Voice/Fax: 541-247-0835     /H\\H \
  /H  H  Tradewinds Bamboo Nursery /H    bambugib@harborside.com    / H HH  H\
   H\\H\  28446 Hunter Creek Loop   H \                             H\H\HH\ H
   H /H\   Gold Beach, OR 97444     H                              /H H HH  H
  /H\HH \\               http://harborside.com/bamboo/              H H HH\\H\
   H HH                                                          // H H HH /H
     H                                                                H H
