
Re: Looking for recent articles and books on urban household gardening...

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published in 1996 the 

Urban Agriculture:  Food, Jobs and Sustainable Cities. 1996. Publications 
Series for Habitat II. Volume 1. 

I'm not sure how you would get a copy. The Press release has two 
contacts: Francois Couttu, UNDP/NY, (212) 906-5344
          Richard Kollodge,         (212)  906-6776

The focus is global, with more international than U.S.

Andy Clark
SAN Coordinator
c/o AFSIC, Room 304
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville, MD  20705-2351
PH:  301-504-6425
FAX: 301-504-6409

On Sat, 20 Apr 1996, Christabel Garcia-Zamor wrote:

> I am a second year anthropology grad student at University of California, 
> Santa Barbara, working under Dr. David Cleveland.  I am currently doing
> a project on urban household gardening as a method of sustainable 
> agriculture (and development) (and possibly of folk variety preservation.)  
> Can anyone suggest any articles or books published 1990-present which address
>  this issue from a sociocultural, economic and/or environmental perspective?
> I also welcome any advice or discussion on the topic, as I am just 
> getting started!
> Thanks in advance.
> Christabel Garcia-Zamor
> 6500cgz@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
