
Ecological Design Course

Here is some info about a 
Permaculture Design certification course I am 
planning to take in June. It should be great. Feel 
free to e-mail ( clifford_may@txinfinet.com ) if 
you have any questions. 
Planning is underway to have audio/visual recordings
made for use in the instructor's Permaculture CD-ROM


The National Water Center
HCR 4 Box 354, Blanco, Texas 78606
Contact:	Patricia Du Bose Michael
Phone:		(210) 833-2440
FAX:		Call First
Austin/Alternate Contact:  Clifford  May
Phone:		(512) 458-3210
FAX:		Call First



          Design That Serves Both Nature and Culture

Austin, Texas, May 1 -- 
Ecological Design Training leading to certification in 
Permaculture Design is being offered to all folks 
interested in practical, personal conservation, 
regeneration and stewardship. Sponsored by The National 
Water Center, a 501 (c)3 organization, and Casa de Luz 
Community Center, a non-profit organization, instructor 
Patricia Du Bose Michael's Ecological Design Training will 
be held at Casa de Luz Community Center, 1701 Toomey Road, 
Austin, Texas, from Saturday June 15, 1996 through Sunday 
June 23, 1996. Permaculture is the harmonious integration 
of people into the landscape in such a way that the land 
grows in richness and aesthetic beauty.

Design is the link between science and how we build our 
communities. The Right Livelihood Award (the Alternative 
Nobel Prize) was given to a brilliant systems designer from 
Australia, Bill Mollison, in 1981 for his Permaculture 
Design Course. The course is the only design training to 
ever win a Nobel scale award. It won because it works and 
is appropriate all over the world. Patricia Du Bose Michael 
MFA is a student of Bill Mollison who specializes in design 
training for our local bioregion [A bioregion is the group 
of ecosystems in a regional drainage basin and associated 
offshore areas.]. Patricia quit teaching architecture at 
the University of Oklahoma in 1974 to devote her career to 
design that serves both nature and culture.

Patricia understands that "Every thing that has been built 
has been designed, and often with little information. Our 
buildings, roads, institutions and landscapes determine 
what our maintenance cost and quality of life are. Many of 
us feel like victims of high taxes, crime, ugly cities, 
high utility cost, poor education and declining social 
values. We don't understand that each day we contribute to 
that culture we are critical of. Our own unconscious design 
creates our culture, both directly and indirectly. When we 
have good design information, based in science that we can 
understand, we will be able to make the everyday choices 
that will design the culture we want. We start from where 
we are right now. This is a doable way to change the world."

          Training Title, Instructor, Date, Location Etc.

* Title:                Ecological Design Training
* Instructor:           Patricia Du Bose Michael MFA, 
                        Vice Chancellor of the International 
                        Permaculture Academy, an Ecological 
                        Systems Designer specializing in 
                        the Cretaceous landscape. Her 
                        studies, teaching and work have 
                        been in the U.S., Australia, New 
                        Zealand, Europe, Canada, Central 
                        America and Asia.
* Date:                 June 15 through 23, 1996   
                        (9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily)
* Location:             Casa de Luz Community Center, 
                        1701 Toomey Road, Austin, Texas
* Diploma:              Permaculture Designer certification
* Prerequisites:        None if registrant is 18 or over; 
                        instructor's approval if registrant 
                        is under 18.
* Tuition:              $350.00
* Registration:         Send name, address, telephone number, 
                        and $100.00 non-refundable deposit 
                        to The National Water Center. The 
                        deposit is due by June 10, 1996.	
                        Make checks payable to The National 
                        Water Center.	
                        Mail to 8801 Scarlet Circle, 
                        Austin, Texas, 78737.
* Balance Due:          Balance due at check-in, 
                        June 15, 1996.
* Refunds:              No refunds after check-in.

          Additional Details

Patricia scheduled the training so teachers can do the 
training during the summer break between school years. 
The training is usually done in two weeks for a minimum 
of $550.00. Patricia wants to respect that for the 
average person taking off two weeks of work and spending 
$550.00 is a lot so she has created a 72 hour certification 
course in Permaculture Design in eight and a half days, 
beginning on a Saturday morning and ending on a Sunday 
after lunch, for only $350.00.

No prior education or experience is required. 
Expect no tests or papers; just fun, information 
and hands on design experience in a Texas-friendly 
learning atmosphere--like an adult summer camp! 
Everyone who is present for the 72 hours of core topic 
instruction will qualify for certification in 
Permaculture Design. The training will use a variety 
of effective learning strategies to maximize the value 
of the training for all present. Those who may wish to 
attend only some of the 72 core topic instruction hours 
are welcome to do so as a registered auditor. The same 
registration, tuition and deposit requirements apply to 
those who are auditing the training as to those who are 
to receive certification in Permaculture Design.

For additional information or a registration form 
call Patricia at (210) 833-2440 
or call Clifford at (512) 458-3210 (all hours).

Topics include:
  Public Health
  Ecological Accounting
  Environmental Psychology
  Biological Pest Management
  Social and Educational Ideas
  Settlement Design
  Local Economics
  Principles of Natural Systems
  Patterns in Nature and Design
  Reading the Landscape / Site Analysis
  Watershed Design
  Ecosystem Restoration
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