
Re: waste water treatment and farm effluent treatment

On Mon, 6 May 1996, M.A.H.Askey wrote:

> Are there any technologies available, such as reed bed,marshland and 
> wetland areas, utilising filtration methods for procesing animal wastes?
> regards,
> Martin Askey


If human waste qualifies as "animal" then we have what your looking for
treating our town's sewage. The Arcata Marsh is a wetland waste treatment
facility, using the natural filtration system you refer to, that has come
to double as a bird sanctuary on the Humboldt Bay. We have a rudimentary
web site at: 


It is considered to be world class appropriate tech. We plan to 
expand the web site into a virtual distance learning production that 
will detail the process. 

Christopher M Robinson
The Humboldt Sustainable Community Project
The HumboldtNation <http://www.humnat.org>
