
Re: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual"

Clifford, you make mention of a permaculture CD-ROM under development -- 
are you developing it, or are you working with other people to develop 
it?  Thanks for any info as to who is undertaking the project.

Michael Totten, Director
Center for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technology (CREST)
1725 K Street N.W., Suite 402, Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 289-5368  Fax: (202) 289-5354  Email: mpt@crest.org
Web: http://solstice.crest.org/
FTP: ftp.crest.org      Gopher: gopher.crest.org

> Here is some info about a
> Permaculture Design certification course I am
> planning to take in June. It should be great. Feel
> free to e-mail ( clifford_may@txinfinet.com ) if
> you have any questions.
> Planning is underway to have audio/visual recordings
> made for use in the instructor's Permaculture CD-ROM
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> project.
> ~
> --Clifford.
