
Permaculture training in Thailand

I'm looking for someone with tropical experience to come and teach a PC
certification course on our 20-acre farm in Central Thailand sometime
between December of this year and April of 1996.

My wife and I want to take the certification and we have some friends in
Thailand that might be interested.  I couldn't guarantee a huge crowd, but
I am ready to personally guarantee expenses (economy air, 3* hotel, and
delicious Thai food) + $500/week + tuition from any one else that comes (we
would help with marketing within Thailand).

Our land has never been treated chemically but it is bordered by a canal
that receives runoff from sugar cane and rice fields, by sugar cane fields,
by rice fields, and a fish farm.  We are trying to avoid using any canal
water and we are a little higher than the surrounding fields, so I hope we
don't have a chemical problem.  The canal seems to support plenty of
aquatic life.  I don't know about the ground water.  I need some advice
before investing any more in this property.  I'd be interested in hiring
someone on a consulting basis, but maybe we can help organize the first
permaculture course in the region at the same time.  Any takers?  I guess I
will also send this message to the PC institute in Austrailia.