
RE: permaculture on CD-ROM

At  0:48 PM 96.5.28 +0000, April Sampson-Kelly wrote:
>I have had to deal with the major criticism that 
>you can't teach something as practical as permaculture
>via Mail or net.
>we have had the most incredible students
I have very limited information with respect to Permaculture here 
in Japan.  Therefore, I appreciate any CD-ROMs and publications on 
the Internet, which are the only updated resources for me.  In fact, 
I am working in Tokyo and am not presently able to practice 
Permaculture.  In that sense, I am a Permaculture illiterate person.
Kenkichi Muramatsu (kmmura@gol.com, nexus@saitama-j.or.jp)