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Re: TH: Spring color in Baltimore City ...

 Reply-To: Tree-House@Majordomo.Flora.Com (Community Forestry) ---------

Hello everyone,

At the junction of the San Juaquin and Sacramento valleys, Davis is
enjoying an ongoing tree-flower display.  The western redbuds (Cercis
occidentalis) are blanketing the creek banks in the Arboretum with a
magenta haze, flowering plums are already done, the almonds came on early
last month, and the other flowering trees are too numerous to inventory
right now.  It's Finals week, and I've just noticed that I've missed most
of the early bloom.  However, I was delighted to discover yesterday a
wisteria (W. sinensis, I think) beginning to bloom, it's lavender blossoms
so graceful against the bare, gnarly branches.

Thanks to you, Richard and Tom and all, for your comments and observations
in your areas.  I'm a student in the Landscape Architecture program, and I
find the Tree-House list a refreshing and gentle breeze in my hectic days.
It reminds me why I'm in this profession -- my love of trees and plants.  I
apologize for not contributing to the discussions, but homework comes
first. :-)

By the way, the saucer magnolia does very well here, also, and they are
just finishing their bloom.
Zone 14

>The orange trees are blooming in Turlock, CA. A wonderfully sweet scent
>which seems to purify the air in a town of about 40K.
>Absorbing Springtime in the San Juaquin Valley,

Mary Bedard
Landscape Architecture Program
University of California
Davis, CA  95616
Office 916/752-4116
FAX  916/752-1392
