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Re: Pc slammed in Whole Earth Review

> >success of their homopathic field sprays....
> Just to miss the whole point of your post for a moment, Claude,
> you have references for the above comment ? (re: Biodynamic /
> Field Sprays)
> If you do, I'd like to see them.

there is a woman (in her 80s or 90s now, i believe) by the name
maria thun, who operates 3 big testfarms in different parts of
germany, started out with the first one some 50 or 60 years ago.
they do all sorts of yield and disease testing with the
homeosprays, mooncultivation and mor, i think. she keeps exact
documentation of her trials, and is propably willing to share
them withi the scientific community - part of it i think is also
published. all in german, though. if this is of interest, i dig
up her address. (she is issuing a mooncalendar, actually an astro
calendar, since she also takes some planetrary constellations
into account, and has been evolving it over the decades. to my
experience and those of other gardeners it is way better than all
the rest - btw, it is astronomical, not astrological. i am using
it as far as i manage.)
