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Re: Interactive Projects/information/guilds database --+-- Idea for -- getting the DB effort off the ground quickly

On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 11:30:41 +0100, "georg parlow"
<georg@websuxxess.com> wrote:

>> No problem at all, I'll set it up exactly as as you've described.
>what a relief, i am glad and grateful for this. thanks, mate!
>> No problem at all setting this up. What name do you want to use?
>> pc-austria@ OK? or pcaustria@? or pc+ag-austria@?
>(permaculture is PermaKultur in german, and ackerbau means something like
>'field-farming' (even tho the dictionary translates it as 'agriculture' or


>> I can configure it to be by invitation only with you as owner.
>perfect. i suppose you can point me to some instructional files, so i know
>how i have to do this inviting for it to work.
>> Those webforums/email lists are really slow; lots of ads &
>> jackinthebox javascripts.
>yea, pain in the ass. so thanks again for this christmas present -

It is equally a Christmas present for me - to see you folks getting
together in a forum to discuss serious PC & eco agriculture. Maybe
this will have a ripple effect felt across the great pond here in the

> i am
>looking forward to those guys sharing and synthesizing - very promising. and
>i certainly will give occasional summary reports to this list as well as to
>the wider austrian pc community.

That would be very nice of you if you would. I may need to learn to
read German, or find a translator.

Cheers and a Merry Christmas to you and the farmers.


L.F.London ICQ#27930345 lflondon@mindspring.com
http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech  london@ibiblio.org