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Re: Punaculture posts in archive

On Sat, 8 Dec 2001 21:26:38 -0800 (PST), John Schinnerer
<eco_living@yahoo.com> wrote:

>It appears that the archive search doesn't pick up search words from
>the message subject string...I found my Punaculture posts from last
>year (what I was up to on my land in Hawai'i, for Sean and others
>interested) by doing a "jump to date" of 2000/4/1 in the search form,
>with the sort option set to "author" so they'd all be together.

This list will be migrating to Mailman (written in Python) as soon as
I can take the time to make the changeover - I gave info about this
earlier plus lots of links to use to familiarize yourselves with the 
new list software. Maybe the new search tool will be better than


L.F.London ICQ#27930345 lflondon@mindspring.com
http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech  london@ibiblio.org