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Re: Listmember's Ecologies

Hi Sean,

I've enjoyed your dialogue with John on the limitations of scientific
reductionism. While your point is taken that science can and does work, I
agree with John that using the languauge of science to the exclusion of all
others has clearly proven to be catastrophic with regards to our handling of
environmental issues.

All this is to qualify the real reason for replying to your email: I
couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the fact that, after so ardently
defending science, you turn around and ask for people to describe their land
in a numerical, material way ( the principal way we've been taught to view

 yes, I can see that you are open to receiving other information as well,
but like many in our culture ( myself included) seems like the tendency is
to rush to a linear, reductionistic, material "understanding" of the land
and being so enamored with  that "knowledge"  that subtler intuitions and
pattern understandings get left behind.


"The Greatest Fine Art of the future will be the making of a comfortable
living from a small piece of land."
- Abraham Lincoln 
Green Mountain Permaculture : Solutions, Sustainability, Sustenance....

> When I joined this list several weeks ago, I
> described the land I'll be working at my new
> rental house. I'd love to hear what everyone else
> is working with, whether material, social or
> otherwise. For example, acreage/square-footage,
> principal difficulties encountered, number of
> days/months/years working that piece of land,
> species populations, strengths of local human
> communities, ad infinitum.
> Sean
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