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Re: cultural myths and misery

> From: John Schinnerer 

> Speaking of science, it's as political as
> anything else.  The perversion of the "ideals 
> of science" for political/social purposes is
> the norm, not the exception.  Look into the
> struggle between the medical theories of "germs
> as invasive causes of disease" vs. "systemic
> health of the person as preventer of disease"
> for one big example (the systemic view lost in 
> the political arena...and is still the
> underdog...).  Anyhow...

You opened with the claim "The perversion of the
"ideals of science" for political/social purposes
is the norm, not the exception." Then you gave a
selection of examples. But I don't care how big
you say they are, or how many you provide, this
does not constitute anything besides anecdotal
evidence. I suspect your point has merit, but you
need to provide quantitative and verified data to
convince those of us who don't want to be led
around by the stupid-ring in our noses.

In regard of both my last sentence and the
science-politics relation, I'll cite Korzybski

"Man's [sic] achievements rest upon the use of
symbols. For this reason, we must consider
ourselves as a symbolic, semantic class of life,
and those who rule the symbols, rule us."


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