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Re: anyone in Alaska?

Thanks for your help Martha Boyd. I will cetainly be using the info that you have given me to find Martin Leonard. He sounds like a very interesting guy!

All the best Mike.

On Mon, 12 November 2001, MABOYD5@aol.com wrote:

> Try linking with Martin Leonard, a kayaker who travels among indigenous communities around the Arctic and took a solo journey paddling west to east along the "inuit" (as opposed to the "northwest") passage.  He noted many aspects of the trip that he attributed to climate change.  He has been on a personal journey to recognize and document native ways of knowing about their ecological basis for existence in polar areas, including "technological" improvements to kayaks and other traditional ways of travel.  I recently found the diary of his Inuit Passage journey by doing a search that involved his name, Bethel AK (where he lives and coordinates an internet access organization for remote communities), and the word "qayaq".  Sorry I don't have the exact url on hand.
> Good luck
> Martha Boyd
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