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Re:Global Warming & permafrost etc.

Rick wrote:

>New Settler Interview out of Willits CA had an interview last year with
the couple who wrote the musical "Queen >Salmon" who had been up to the
Canadian Arctic researching their latest musical comedy, to be on global
warming >(and it should be done now, if they stayed on schedule, anyone
hear?)  <snip>

(Not quite on-topic Pc, but, since someone asked...) I just saw David and
Jane last night. They are still working on "Global Warming--The Musical"
This summer David's horse threw him and then fell on him. He suffered a
broken back and other serious injuries and that's slowed down their
progress while he's been healing. In fact, the show last night (with Dana
Lyons) was a medical expenses benefit for him.

Interestingly enough, he told me that the 9/11 events have been more of a
distraction. Who wants to hear about global warming nowadays? But it sounds
like they'll be able to keep going right on track since both situations
have the same root cause. I didn't get whether they were going to integrate
9/11 events directly into the musical or not, or just when it would be
finished. He might have mentioned it in passing, but I don't remember. 
