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Re: creating online plant database

While Im very excited about SETTING UP the database, I should make it clear that I
personally do not have the time or inclination to enter anything other than data
collected here at Dreamtime, all relevant to zones 3-4-5..  at some point we may be
able to free up an intern to help enter things such as what claude just mentioned,
but I think the idea here is that people have to be responsible for getting their own
data entered.  that part is quite easy, from an exisiting database, its all cut &
paste, anyone with beginning computer skills can do it. HOWEVER, in my opinion is is
VERY TEDIOUS & monotonous....   where's the grant money when you need it?

At the point when the database is up & going, anyone hear could volunteer to enter
some or all of the data on the cdrom which Claude mentions, in an ideal world anyway.


Claude Genest wrote:

> A friend of mine recently completed, as a thesis, a fabulous compilation of
> PC plants for the Northeast, including entries for their ecological
> functions.
> It is availabe on Cd-Rom for pc's....
> I'd be happy to send a copy to whoever needs it for the database.....
> Claude