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Re: "converting" indigenous people to pc

Aloha georg 'n all, 

> yep - however, i think it is easier for us to win peoples respect,
> whose
> values and needs are far more down to earth and in accordance with
> the goals of pc.

I hear you - and, I'd personally still apply it to most anyone who is
ripe, here, there or anywhere.  If I take the above and juxtapose it
with your later comments about how fast the "next generations" of some
cultures are abandoning local eco-appropriateness in favor of "money"
and "stuff," I can construct a counterexample:  

My neighbor, or friend, etc., if burning out on an elusive and
frustrating pursuit of their personal "American dream," might be more
ready to move towards "values and needs...more down to earth and in
accordance with the goals of pc" than a young person moving away from
that in their own culture and towards their "americanized dream."

As with any design, I think it will depend on the ultimate particulars
(context and circumstances) of each situation.  Then again, prolonged
observation may show patterns neither of us could have expected!

> what i am trying to say, is that the honorary is not taking
> any risk by supporting this project, because you are willing to take
> the responsibility if it fails, but do not demand more of the merit 
> than he is willing to grant you. 
> this is simple and straightforward politics,
> from bonobos to congress. 

I am not a bonobo, and I have no desire to emulate the pathological
behaviors of congress.  
This is like supporting a contemporary corporate entity - all reward,
no risk.  Were I to do this, I would be teaching that in life one can
expect (perhaps even demand, or take for granted) reward without risk,
which I would rather not teach.  That belief has caused enough trouble

To me, there would be no "failures," only learning experiences.  I
would attempt to reach understanding on this with the other parties
involved.  That might not be possible, of course.  As you say, there
are cultural tangles of various types.  I would explore other
approaches, but I would not take the approach you describe.  I neither
feel nor think that the end justifies the means - I think the means are
by far the most important element.

And if I'm still misunderstanding your idea - well, perhaps this is an
example of one of those cultural tangles.  ;-)


John Schinnerer, MA
- Eco-Living -
Cultural & Ecological Designing
Food - Shelter - Community

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