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RE: NATURAL ANTIDOTES - more on garlic


Re garlic, this from Pam Montgomery, an herbalist/teacher in Vermont
via my significant other Ayars, who did an apprenticeship with her last
year...Pam is a big fan of garlic, among other things.  

Anyhow...a "medicinal" dose of garlic is 'round about 10 (ten)
cloves...yes, you read right, *ten* cloves... :-o  The cloves should be
sliced crosswise, not mashed or minced, and eaten raw, of course. 
Eating them with whatever helps get 'em down is OK and doesn't detract
from the medicinal effect (she suggests layering it into a sandwich
with cream cheese or "tofutti" or whatever suits ya...I haven't yet
done that much at once, but I like to eat it with good bread dipped in
good olive oil...polenta would probably be good too...).  Kinda like
medicinal strength fresh ginger tea, one can get used to the initially
overwhelming effect...

If ten cloves sounds like a lot, I heard a story about a guy who wasn't
real familiar with plants and produce, but decided to try this garlic
thing...he thought "clove" was what most of us call "bulb," so he
buckled down and ate ten "cloves" - bulbs, that is... :-O

John Schinnerer, MA
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