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[Fwd: Help !]Resending WITH email address

Please Respond to Manny if you have Permaculture contacts in the
Phillipines.(See his email address below. Sorry I left it off the first
letter. K)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Help !
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 16:28:29 +0900
From: "Manny Sayson" <sustainablepaths@eudoramail.com>
Reply-To: sustainablepaths@eudoramail.com

I am representing Sustainable Paths or Poverty Alleviation through
Partnership in Sustainable Development, a not for profit organization 
promoting partnership between the government and indigents in the
increasingly becomming popular area of agri tourism and eco-village

We are now on our way of attracting wide support to our project that we
are looking for generous experts in the field of permaculture to be part
of our official list of consultants.

Most of us belongs to the poorest of the population that We would like
to appeal for your assistance whether you could refer to us some experts
on this area, initially in a volunteer basis.

We feel we have a very good program and we expect to generate funds 
after three to four months and would gladly provide some honorarium at
that time.

I am praying that our Lord could look down upon us with favor so 
as to provide as with the needed guidance in this hard period of
starting -up.

However, whatever the outcome of this plea, we would like to thank 
you for your time in reading our letter.

And please keep up the good work

Best regards,
Manuel Sayson
Sustainable Paths
Pangasinan, Philippines