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FW: Robin Clayfield Facilitation Course

> From: claire 
> Subject: New Details for Robin Clayfield Facilitation Course
> Date: Thursday, 18 October 2001 11:32
> Dynamic Groups:
> An Adventure in Creative Facilitation,
> a seven day residential intensive December 3 - 9 2001
> At Wistow, Adelaide Hills, SA, Australia
> with Internationally recognised Permaculture educator Robin Clayfield
> An empowering, creative and participatory workshop for anyone involved in
> education and group work - established teachers, people conducting
> introductory workshops, or guest speaker spots, activists, and anyone
> wanting to start teaching or working more creatively in groups.  It will
> particularly benefit people who have an environmental or social justice
> emphasis.
> $400 - $670 includes accomodation and all organic meals.
> Contact claire at permaculturesa@yahoo.com.au
> Details:
> Dynamic Groups:
> An Adventure in Creative Facilitation,
> Interactive Learning Methods, and Empowerment.
> for group leaders, teachers, earthworkers, permaculture educators,
> activists, councilors....
> a seven day residential  intensive
> Monday December 3 - Saturday December 9 2001
> at Wistow, in the Adelaide Hills.
> facilitated by Robin Clayfield
> This course is a unique opportunity to work with Robin Clayfield in an open,
> creative, and stimulating atmosphere.
> The aim of this course is to up-skill anyone involved in education and group
> work, from established teachers, and people conducting introductory
> workshops, or guest speaker spots, to anyone wanting to start teaching or
> working more creatively in groups.  It particularly suits people who have an
> environmental emphasis.
> Dynamic Groups is for people who are willing to look past the
> expert/dominant/hierarchical process called teaching, to a more interactive,
> participatory process of encouraging learning.  It will concentrate on how
> we can create environments in which people can learn effectively, rather
> than instilling facts for people to memorise.
> This is a practical, hands on course, which will cover such areas as
> Accelerated Learning, Educational Kinesiology, cross crawling, brainstorming
> and mind mapping; role playing, PMI technique, Visualisation, learning
> styles, confidence building, and many of the other processes used by
> Earthcare Education. This is a needs based course, where everyone will be
> involved and contributing to their own learning process.  Past participants
> report that it has revolutionised their confidence and ability to facilitate
> and teach.
> The Dynamic Groups course provides facilitators in virtually every field
> with a wonderful tool box of techniques and skills.  It has been refined
> from Robinıs experience in over 25 Permaculture Design Courses and 17
> Teachersı Facilitation Courses  over the last 7 years, in Mexico, Cuba, USA,
> Germany, England, South Africa, Aotearoa/New Zealand, and Australia.
> You are invited to attend and experience the fun and magic of learning about
> teaching and facilitating in an effective and co-operative way.  You are
> assured of a dynamic journey in creativity, fun, and learning.
> Robin Clayfield
> Since participating in the first Womenıs Permaculture Design Course in
> Australia in 1983, Robin has been active developing Permaculture designs and
> consulting for local landholders; convening and facilitating groups; saving
> forests; and growing food.  Upon settling at Crystal Waters Permaculture
> Village, in 1988, Robin became actively involved in the development of this
> community, as well as other co-operative groups in the Maleny area.  She has
> been a staff member and trustee of Maleny LETSystem for over 10 years, and
> has run the business of Earthcare Education for 9 years, learning many
> different skills.  Robin has diverse abilities and interests, and is
> particularly involved and interested in participatory design processes, deep
> ecology, growth (of plants and people), group dynamics and creative
> facilitation; writing about Permaculture and other juicy things; catering
> and raw food living; music, BRETH work, developing unbounded spontaneity and
> creativity, while also establishing and enjoying a partly self-sustaining
> sub-tropical Permaculture jungle.
> Robin has written and self published You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat
> it Too, a book which brings together the garden and the kitchen.  With Skye,
> she has co-authored and published The Manual for Teaching Permaculture
> Creatively.
> Earthcare Education
> Earthcare Education are leaders in applying contemporary educational
> strategies and learning processes to teaching Permaculture.
> In 1989, Robin Clayfield and Skye (based at Crystal Waters Permaculture
> Village) started to feel uncomfortable with the lecture format of teaching.
> It seemed impersonal, disempowering, and, from their memories of college and
> university, neither effective nor efficient.
> With little more than their creativity, intuition, and commitment, they
> decided to never lecture at people again.  What followed was an amazing
> journey of research, creativity, and excitement, as they developed, tested
> and then later came to understand the real dynamics of how people learn.
> Since then, they have found that their developments are well supported by
> contemporary research in areas like kinesiology, neurology, psychology
> (particularly the works of Carl Rogers, George Lazonov, Bernie Neville,
> Edward DeBono, Howard Gardner, Richard Bandler, and others).  Not only is
> their approach effective and sustainable, it is clearly the future direction
> of education at large.
> Earthcare Education has merged two important philosophies, Permaculture and
> Creative Education, while focusing on the empowerment of themselves and all
> who come to work and play with them.
> $400 - $670
> Includes all meals,
> morning teas, and accommodation.
> In order to make this workshop as accessible as possible, we are using a
> sliding scale for workshop fees, beginning at $400 for unwaged campers.
> Bunkhouse accommodation begins at $495, for unwaged, up to $670 for people
> with higher incomes.  Please help us to provide places for people with low
> incomes by paying as you can afford to.Contact us if fees are an issue.
> Food  will be organic, vegetarian, and delicious!  Please let us know if you
> have any particular  needs or preferences, we are happy to cater for them.
> Further information, including directions, transport, and what to bring,
> will be provided upon booking.
> for more information, contact claire at permaculturesa@yahoo.com.au
> ***************************************************************
> Booking Form
> please register me for the  Dynamic Groups Workshop,  October 13 -20 2001.
> Name
> Address
> Email                            Phone
> Accommodation (own tent or  bunkhouse):
> course fee payable:
> $100 deposit enclosed    (not refundable, but transferable, please make
> cheques  payable to PASA)
> signed:
> print out and post to
> Permaculture Association of SA,
> c/o 120 Wakefield St,
> Adelaide, 
> Tandanya Bioregion,SA 5000