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Re: pc in Afghanistan

----- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence F. London, Jr. <lflondon@mindspring.com>
Newsgroups: permaculture
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: pc in Afghanistan

> On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 20:40:45 -0800, sfram@citycom.com (unruLEE) wrote:
> >
> >Anybody know of any permaculture folks in Afghanistan?
> >
> >Lee
> That is an interesting question. There are almost limitless
> possibilities and opportunities for putting permaculture to work in
> Afganistan, post war, that is. Afganistan is very near the Hunza
> area up in very high country, where people often live well in excess
> of 100 years. Interesting crops they grow up there, apricots for
> example. What will happen to the poppy fields when peace comes and
> their farmers will have the opportunity to grow food/fiber/grass/grain
> on that fertile land to ensure reliable, independent and sufficient
> supplies for their people. Soil tilth & fertility, water and plant
> resources, housing, energy & fuel are areas that will be worth looking
> at for the long haul. Permaculture consultants and teachers would be
> worth their weight in gold.
> LL
> ---
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