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Re: This is all starting to scare me

Hey Darren, if you let me know where your part of paradise is, maybe I can
manage to buy the plot next to it and will join hands in the afternoons on a
howdown maybe pluck a guitar, steal mothers wash basin and make another
instrument. Don't give up, just pick up the pieces that are good and leave
behind those which are not.
Saludos salud suerte
----- Original Message -----
From: "darren simo" <wannafarm@hotmail.com>
To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject: This is all starting to scare me

> I have always dreamed of onwing my own farm, nothing huge just a little
> place where my family and I can get away from the ratrace. Our own little
> piece of paradice.
> I'm just new to the whole idea of Permaculture, but have been gardening
> organically ever since i was knee-high to a grasshoper. My father taught
> how to, back then it was not anything special, it was the way he had been
> taught. We did not call it "organic", it was just the way we done it. It
> smarter and cheaper to use compost, manure& mulches rather than buy
> fertaliser.
> Later I learned about agroforestry and reforestation. These things make
> sence to anyone who loves the land.
> Finally I found a book called Permaculture Two in the gardening section of
> my local libary. It was amazing this book not only tied together all of
> things that I had learned, but also things i had not even thought of like
> water management. Not only this but it was also designed to be as labor
> saving and cost efficent as possible.
> Then reality sinks in when I started looking all this up on the net. All
> courses to learn how to design a system are full-time, hard to do when you
> have work to save for your dream and support your family. Not only that
> there are bugger all courses on offer in the western suburbs of melbourne,
> even David Holmgren who lives just around the corner no longer has the
> level course.Then the worst blow of all I join a mailing list to learn
> the advise of experts and I find it full of political infighting and just
> plain nastiness on both sides.
> I think the way things are going, I may give up the idea of a
> farm and just muddle out how to build paradise by myself.
> Please tell me is there a brighter future to all this.
>                    Darren
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