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Permaculture trademark alert

Dear everyone

I am following this on both the US and NSW based discusion groups.  I get
the impression it is on a UK group as well.

As it is so important for us all, is there a way of being fully co-ordinated
about this?

I am grateful for all the common sense that I am reading.  There is no doubt
that (intentionally or otherwise)  Bill and Lisa's actions are helping us
develop as the new leaders in Permaculture - and so far this second (third?)
generation has all the good communication and open sharing that I'd like it
to have.

Specifically, are we going to take up David Holmgren's suggestion of a joint
objection to the Australian application?   Can Permaculture International
co-ordinate this?

And what about the US deadline of August, where there appears to be a
catch22 situation?

I feel I have a good idea of the picture now.  Can we go a step further and
use email to co-ordinate some action?


Ian Lillington and Jo Middleton
Living Permaculture 
at Willunga Garden Village

postal address:
19 Kookaburra Court
Willunga   SA   5172

phone (+61 8) 8556 4278