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Crass/Dial House Centre For alternative Globalisation

Hi all

Some months ago some of you may remeber I posted up some info about the Dial
House appeal, to raise money to save the home of 70's/80's 'punk' band CRASS
who had great infuence on the UK counter culture...

To update, myself and Ron Bates attended a meeting at Dial House a few weeks
ago to discuss it's future as a Centre For Alternative Globalisation now
that it's tenency is secure, and were able to contribute a Permaculture

Of course permaculture is only one of the many diverse strands influencing
events at the house, but Penny (Rimbaud), Gee, Steve (Ignorant) and others
were very positive about the contributions permaculture and the centre could
potentially offer each other. Some ideas that got tossed about included the
house being a possible venue for design courses or even for a regional PC
convergence??? (that's if Uncle Bill hasn't had us all injunctioned by

Info about Dial House (including a lovely picture of the house) is at

Also Gee has an exhibition of Crass & other art at The Horse Hospital
Collonade, Bloomsbury, London WC1 N1HX until July 29th (got a write up in
this weeks Guardian 'Guide' no less (whatever happened to "pages of the
Guardian, pages of The Sun, just a load of blooming lies, just a blooming
con......" for those ex punks amogst us with longer memories :-)

I'll post updates as and when...

Graham Burnett
35 Rayleigh Avenue
Westcliff On Sea
NOW AVAILABLE; 'PERMACULTURE- A Beginner's Guide' £5.00 inc P&P
go to http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/landlib/flyer/ for info...

Land & Liberty http://www.landandliberty.co.uk
My artwork http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/landlibpic/
Our Garden http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Garden/
South East Essex Organic Gardeners
Permaculture- a Beginner's Guide http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Perma/
South East Essex LETS http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/
Robert Hart's Forest Garden http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Forest/
South East Essex Green Party http://www.seegreenparty.org.uk