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Re: permaculture trademark alert

Dear Comrades,

Where is this going to end?  First the logo now this.

>For twenty years Bill has tirelessly put forth to spread the word 
>about this 'new' term-permaculture-- via PDC's, his many public 
>speaking engagements, sharing the info with politicians and people 
>from all cultures. We are FINALLY at  a critical mass- I can mention 
>the word and people don't always look at me dumbfounded-  The logo 
>has  worldwide recogniton-

Our energy ought to be spent sharing the knowledge not defending our use of it.

So what is the purpose (function) of this newfound need for 
ownership. Why have we not heard directly from Bill or Lisa through 
all this.  They know this is an active site with devoted participants.

Lisa-Bill be brave and let's hear from you.  Maybe with an 
explanation we will understand and possibly embrace this need for 
ownership and  control.... As it sits with me.. all the work we have 
nurtured since the 80's will be very compromised.

In hopes for a saner future- which I thought was through the action 
of  Permaculture,

Jude Hobbs

P.S.  I agree our action does not need to be based around this 'term' 
it is just that we are on such a roll.......

>Just to let you know...
>It was brought to my attention today that XAF Pty Ltd (trustee company
>for The Permaculture Institute), applicants Bill mollison & Lisa Mollison
>lodged applications to trade mark the following:
>Trade Mark 877106
>lodged 28 May 2001
>Trade Mark 877449
>lodged 30 May 2001
>In light of the changes in Pc Institute's policies over the past year
>this is somewhat disconcerting as the only people who would receive
>permission to use these words would be those personally approved by Lisa
>and Bill.
>This is a far cry from the long-held policy of the institute that all PDC
>holders have the right to teach & design and use the word Permaculture in
>their work.
>There is opportunity to lodge objections but I do not know when the
>deadline is.
>The application is for Australia - it may be worth checking if a similar
>application has been lodged elsewhere e.g. USA
>Robyn Francis
>Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre
>home to:
>Permaculture Education
>ERDA Institute Trust
>Nimbin Eco-Village Project Office
>Robyn Francis - permaculture designer & educator
>PO Box 379, Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia
>Ph 02-6689 1755 Fax 02-6689 1225
>permed@nor.com.au  www.earthwise.org.au
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