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Re: virus problems

> Subject: virus problem
> From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lflondon@mindspring.com>
> Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:21:42 -0400
> some list subscribers are still infected with various viruses;
> I got email from pinc(at)svn.net (email ID reworked) that was sent
> by the fun.pif virus, inviting me to "look to the attachment" -
> proptly deleted the message+attachment unpoened.
> I have been unsubbing those with viruses until they correct the
> problem - anyone with a better idea for dealing with this problem?

I'd just ban attachments. I know some of the mailing list software out
automatically removes attachments replacing them with a message
"this email contained attachments". It would also prevent people from
including large images which generally don't go down well.

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