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PERMACULTURE- A Beginner's Guide- Now Available...

Hoping this isn't considered spam..

My self written, illustrated and published graphic introduction to
Permaculture is now available- perfect as a present for all your friends who
keep asking "So what IS permaculture, then???", or indeed if you want to
know yourself! And it's graphic/ high illustration content means that it is
readable by anyone aged from 12 to 120...

Cost £5.00 (inc P&P) from the address below, cheques payable to Land And
Liberty, from which a percentage of every copy sold will go towards funding
tree planting, forest gardening or permaculture projects....

for more details go to the Land And Liberty website



whilst you can view online extracts at


Cheers for now,

Graham Burnett

Land & Liberty http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/landlib/
My artwork http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/landlibpic/
Our Garden http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Garden/
South East Essex Organic Gardeners
Permaculture- a Beginner's Guide http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Perma/
South East Essex LETS http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/
Robert Hart's Forest Garden http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Forest/