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Attn: List managers

List managers,
Please remove Mr. Deming (JDeming@mwrd.dst.co.us ) from these listservs.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:  RE: FW: Notification: Inbound Mail Failure
Date:  Wed, 21 Mar 2001 16:17:39 -0700
From:  "Palumbo, John" <JPalumbo@mwrd.dst.co.us>
To:  'Keith Johnson' <keithdj@mindspring.com>

 Keith,    I send the e-mails because when we receive inbound failures they come directly to me.  I can not unsubscribe the user from your service using their e-mail because their mailbox no longer exists on our servers -- hence the inbound mail failures.  This particular user, JDeming@mwrd.dst.co.us is more than likely a member of your "Pc Envirolink" group, so when you send an e-mail to that group, JDeming is included and when I receive the messages your e-mail address is the only return address I have.  Sorry for any inconvenience, but unless I inform people of inbound mail failures to our mail servers, they will and do become overloaded.Thank you.John PalumboSystems Engineer Metro Wastewater Reclamation Districtjpalumbo@mwrd.dst.co.us(303) 286-3048
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Johnson [mailto:keithdj@mindspring.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 3:59 PM
To: Palumbo, John
Subject: Re: FW: Notification: Inbound Mail Failure
I don't know why I keep getting this request from you as I don't even have you in my email address book.  I have forwarded your request to the manager of the permaculture email list from which you seem to be getting mail. He said he would take care of it.

"Palumbo, John" wrote:

Please remove JDeming@mwrd.dst.co.us from your e-mail list as that user no longer receives e-mail at this address.
Thank you
John Palumbo

-----Original Message-----
From: Administrator
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 1:30 PM
To: Administrator
Subject: Notification: Inbound Mail Failure
The following recipients did not receive the attached mail. Reasons are listed with each recipient:
<JDeming@mwrd.dst.co.us> JDeming@mwrd.dst.co.us
        MSEXCH:IMS:MWRD:DISTRICT:METROMAIL 0 (000C05A6) Unknown Recipient
The message that caused this notification was:

To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>, Pc Envirolink