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Re: Permaculture & The Vegan way

A sacred attitude & a balanced diet.

Well said,  Robyn!


permed@nor.com.au wrote:

> The main thing that I find difficult with the philosophy of many vegans
> (especially 'veganically-grown') is the absolute denial of animals in the
> system - how can there be an ecosystem without animals? - it's simply the
> other end of the feedlot extreme - one extreme breeds another.
> Excluding animals from the system is anti-nature and anti-life.
> I can't help but wonder if there is an underlying neurotic fear of death
> that drives unnatural philosophies - I held some these ideals once and
> found myself becoming a biggoted dietary aparteidist - I seriously
> questioned my vego dogmas within the context of natural systems,
> ecological balance and sustainability and found them seriously lacking.
> After 17 years of vegetarianism (I did keep chickens & eat their eggs) I
> am now a rounded omnivour though animal products would constitute only 5%
> of my total diet. (70% of my diet is home grown - vegies, fruit, eggs and
> the ocassional redundant male duck or chicken)
>  ultimately all things live by eating something else therefore all things
> exist to be eaten - even plants will eat you in the end.....
> a carrot screams when wrenched from mother earth, it's just that our ears
> can't hear it
> if all life, plant or animal, taken to sustain our own was taken with
> respect we wouldn't have destructive agricultures - plant or animal - the
> issues of veganism wouldn't exist
> my animals live a happy and natural life and while doing so make a
> valuable contribution to the fruit and veg producing systems on my farm,
> saving a lot of energy & nutrient imports. we also enjoy each others
> companionship.
> Robyn
> Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre
> home to:
> Permaculture Education
> ERDA Institute Trust
> Nimbin Eco-Village Project Office
> Robyn Francis - permaculture designer & educator
> PO Box 379, Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia
> Ph 02-6689 1755 Fax 02-6689 1225
> permed@nor.com.au  www.earthwise.org.au
> ---
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