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Re: sustainable living

    I agree with what Graham wrote several days ago( Feb 23) about having
influence in what we CAN influence.  As to the question of how permaculture
can inflence society in a greater scale...  I beleve we can apply the basic
philosophy of PC to society as a whole.  That is to say diversity is our
greatest strength!  Our differences allow us to fill "niches" unsuitable for
others.  Simply by recognizing this and fostering it in our relationships
with one another will help us to draw on the power of synergy.  Society has
always developed on the strength on interdependence not independance of the
individuals.  Village economies rely on specialization of the indiviual, but
independance was not for the individual, but by relying on one another, the
local economy could achieve a level of security.
    In todays monetary world, the individual is extremely isolated from the
processes of life, and  his neighbors! how do we reverse this?  Maybe by
organizing LOCAL barter networks.  Many today are financial slaves, in debt
and unable to express who God made tham to be --  uniquely gifted
individuals with something to GIVE.  I know I would opperate differently if
I could spend more of my time doing what  love, instead of  paying the
    Barter is a method of exchange that values the individual's unique
contribution, AND it emphasises process.  That is to say I get more out of
trading carrots to my friend who makes wool sweaters, than I would  if I had
to BUY the sweater.  This opperates on so many levels of good I cannot even
think of them all here, but one is that of true value for true value. Call
it our own little tax revolt, but not a penny goes toward supporting
programs that are morally and environmentally reprehensible!
    We CAN build community this way, and slowly, one person at a time, reach
others with the message of hope that is ours to claim by working together.
    Thanks, John Kaufmann
PS anyone with  working barter networks out there?