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Organic honeymoon period over????

I noticed on the news a while back that Iceland stores are to 'rethink'
their policy on stocking organic lines as sales have not been as high as
hoped of late. Also, my local Co-op store told me yesterday they wouldn't be
stocking organic tea any longer (presumably because nobody except me buys
it???)... Does this mean the 'organic craze' is over?

Doesn't it also point up the fact that (as if we didn't already know it),
the big stores are motivated by a short termist profit ethic rather than a
deep commitment to sustainability, and always will be?

What's the bigger picture, and our next achievable step in keeping organic
and sustainability on the public agenda??

Graham Burnett
35 Rayleigh Avenue
Westcliff On Sea
Land & Liberty http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/landlib/
My artwork http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/landlibpic/
Our Garden http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Garden/
South East Essex Organic Gardeners
Permaculture- a Beginner's Guide http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Perma/
South East Essex LETS http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/
Robert Hart's Forest Garden http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Forest/