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Re: Grey Water (Living Machines)

Living Machines

[from an old archive]

The Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery will hold a conference 
October 1 to 3, l993 to discuss and promote the economic
advantages of living machines.  Living machines are, simplistically, 
engineered water ecosystems which use natural elements such as
plants and animals to break down toxins, concentrate metals and treat 
organic material in sewage and waste water. Living machines can be
part of 
clean, simple, economical and environmentally viable solutions to a
of problems.  They offer less costly alternatives for municipalities 
planning to spend billions of taxpayers; dollars on expansions and new
sewage and water treatment systems.  They do not use chlorine.
Lawrence F. London, Jr.  ICQ # 27930345  
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@ibiblio.org  