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Re: Power lines

Georges Lakhovsky, a russian engineer living in France, made a lot of research on radiations and health,  health of plants and people.
He found through research that the choice of frequency (ies) was quite significant for at the radiations got good for health or bad, hence healing or killing. He was quite frightened by the killing power.

he has developped instrumentation to heal cancer, which is used in some places and is said to work ( the Cancer  instutionalized powers do not like it).

as far as plants are concerned he achieved nice results in producing stronger and nice plants.

Some of this can be read in

The secret life of plants
Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird 1973
isbn 2-221-00231-8
Harper & Row NY

Power lines give uncontrolled radiations, so its is probably not very good for health.
There is a lot of suspicion around power lines, for people health (allergies, leucemia)-
if it is not good for you, it ain't be good for your garden, and vice versa.
You and your garden are taking part in life, the same overall life, are't you?

you can read the following about Lakhovsky

Matthew Sullivan wrote:

Hi there.  In answer to your specific question about nutritional value - I do not know if veg grown under powerlines is less nutritional.  I repsond to your email bacuase i've seen some neat photographs of a corn field with powerlines going above part of the field.  The seed was all from the same stock - the farmer had selectively saved superior traits for 13 years i believe.  The corn directly under the power lines was noticably smaller and weaker.  The shape of the depression on the corn field was consistent with the magnetic field that would surround the wires - great stuff to see.  Now, this farmer is a Biodynamic farmer and i'm not sure if he sells this affected corn or not.  Sorry to be pretty useless, but thought this anecdote may help you, or at least entertain. Cheers,Matthew SullivanInseason Australia

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