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Marsha Hanzi wrote:
> I came from there the day before yesterday.  Escaped the earthquake by three
> days... The villages that SEWA works with are precisely those which were
> flattened by the earthquake, and Ahmedabad itself (a city of 3.5 nillions ,
> where SEWA has headquarters)  lost 20%of its constructions.  As the regions
> were already down and out due to a 3-year drought, this earthquake on top of
> it  is unimaginably disastrous. So, yes, they were the ones who were most
> affected by the problem...They have an insurance program for disasters, but
> I am sure that it will be far from adequate, and that they could certainly
> use as much help as possible.  There are a number of funds being set up, and
> there probably is one in the Netherlands.  If not, I can try to find out
> from our contacts what would be the best way to get funds to SEWA....
> Marsha Hanzi
> Instituto de Permacultura da Bahia
> Brazil
> http://www.geocities.com/ipbbr
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Harald und Margit Wedig <avantgarden@wxs.nl>
> To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2001 7:59 AM
> Subject: SEWA
> > Hello out there,
> > can someone tell me, if the Self Employed Womens Association ( SEWA),
> > remember: they presented their wonderful project with thousends of women
> > involved during the international PC conferece in Copenhagen, Denmark,
> > is having problems due to the recent earthquake in North West India?
> > I believe to remember, that they were active in this area.
> > Thank you,
> > Harald

Thank you Marsha for your respond,
I was rather thinking of a more direct way of help, like
Permaculture people gathering money, worldwide, for a PC project so
badly in need. I heard so many good things about SEWA and they are
always my favorit example for PC in arid climate.
My wife and I, running the Sualmana Permaculture Gardens, would start
with 100$, but who could collect the money and take care that it reaches
SEWA without to much loss. Who is the wellknown, trustworthy and
experienced person or institution willing to do this for the worldwide
PC community.
Hopeful, Harald