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Re: Sustainable education

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000 14:16:10 -0400 (EDT), donahuer@ols.net (Randy )
>           Would someone please refer me to a list of schools that offer
>undergrad B.A.'s in sustainable/alternative/organic agriculture.

Article: 4724 of alt.sustainable.agriculture
From: TROYAN@macc.wisc.edu (Selma Troyanowski)
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture
Subject: request for sustainable ag info
Date: 7 Dec 1994 00:00:05 -0000

        RE: Request for Sustainable Ag materials:
        Here is what I have so far:
        Please  inquire at the National Ag Library re: training and
opportunities in sustainable ag.  They have a publication entitled:
Educational and Training Opportunities in SA, 6th edition.  It is
comprehensive.  Available free from the following:
NAL Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
USDA, NAL, Room 111, 10301 Baltimore Blvd., Beltsville, MD
Another source:  Sustainable Ag Network's SA Directory of Expertise,
>from  Sustainable Ag Publications, Hills Bldg., Room 12, U of VT, Burlington,
VT  05405-0082.
        Also, if you want to receive the packet of information that we
CIAS (Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems), UW-Madison,
Madison, WI
send out to prospective graduate students, please provide me with a
address.  This packet is too bulky for email.
        You may email your address to: TROYAN@MACC.WISC.EDU
        OR PHONE ME @608-262-5200. Leave message on my voice mail if I
am not
at my desk.
        Thanking you for your interest,
        Selma Troyanoski, CIAS Secretary
Article 488 of sci.agriculture:
From: rjsalvad@iastate.edu (Ricardo J Salvador)
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture,sci.agriculture
Subject: UC Davis Sustainable Ag Systems Course
Date: 21 Mar 1994 15:04:06 GMT
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, IA

The University of California-Davis is once again offering their summer
course: Introduction to Sustainable Agricultural Systems (Agronomy
The course is worth 6 units of UC Davis credit and is graded on a
no pass basis.

Location: Student Experimental Farm, Univ. California-Davis
Dates: June 27-Aug. 18, 1994 (Approximately 25 hours/week)
Fees: $504.00 (Late fees assessed if materials received after May 27)

There is limited enrollment capacity, and qualified applicants are
accepted on first come/first serve basis APPLY EARLY.

Lectures, laboratories and discussions are combined with three
of practical field experience each week and numerous field trips to
provide a holistic and multidisciplinary introduction to the
and practices of sustainable agriculture. Emphasis is on the biology
and management of agroecosystems, the social, economic and political
aspects of agriculture are also examined.

For information and application materials, contact:

Mark Van Horn
Student Experimental Farm
Department of Agronomy
Univ. California
Davis, CA 95615

(916) 752-7645


>From CEPLIS@adminnet.assiniboinec.mb.caFri Sep  1 01:01:37 1995
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 14:27:46 CST
From: Dinah <CEPLIS@adminnet.assiniboinec.mb.ca>
To: ecol-agric@mailbase.ac.uk
Cc: downes@adminnet
Subject: distance education courses (long)

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Assiniboine Community College of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada is
offerring courses by distance education in organic management and
inspection.  A copy of the course brochure follows.

Organic Training Courses

Organic management and inspection courses are available by distance
education from Assiniboine Community College in 1995-96. These courses
have been developed in partnership with the organic industry
 Organic Producers Association of Manitoba Co-op Inc. (OPAM).
These courses will interest you if you are
        thinking about switching to organic production
 looking for markets for organic produce
 wanting to add value to organic food products
 wanting to enhance and/or maintain inspection skills according to
certification standards for farms and processing facilities.
evaluating certifying bodies for accreditation.
What is Distance Education and
How Does it Work?

Distance education is individualized study supported by any
combination of independent study, teleconferencing, videos, audio
tapes, and tutorial support. Course content is the same as students
 receive in a classroom, but learning time can be adjusted around
busy family and work schedules.
Once a week, students participate in an evening teleconference from
their home or workplace with the instructor, who gives a short lesson
to enhance the course material. Guest speakers from industry
participate in some of the teleconferences.  This is followed by an
open forum for questions and discussion. Students submit weekly
assignments and prepare a final evaluation which the instructor gra
des and returns. The instructor is available for tutorial support.

Student Name:   
Student No.     
Social Insurance No.    
Course Dates: From      
Please make cheques out to Assiniboine Community College in Canadian
This form gives authorization to invoice for tuition fees.
Name of Contact Person: 
Sponsoring Organization:        
Billing Address:        
Telephone:              Fax Number:     
Authorized Signature:   

Student must sign below to authorize Assinboine Community College to
provide transcripts to sponsoring agency at the end of each term.



Group A - Compulsory Courses    Hours
Organic Farming Techniques      60
Organic Products Marketing Strategies   60
Organic Value-Added Processing  60
Organic Auditor Training        60
Organic Farm/Processor Inspector Training       60
        TOTAL HOURS        300

Group B - Pre-Selected Options (60 hours required)
Cow/Calf Production     30
General Sheep Production        30
Pasture Management Systems      30
Shaping Canadian Agricultural Policy    30
Farm Accounting 60
Farm Accounting with Computers  60
Entrepreneurship in Agriculture 60
                                        Total Options   60
        TOTAL HOURS FOR CERTIFICATE     360     

        GROUP A - COMPULSORY COURSES                            
        Organic Farming Techniques      A21K919 60      $594
                Tuesday, Jan. 9 to March 5/96
        Organic Farm/Processor Inspector Training       A21K928 60
                Wednesday, March 6 to Saturday, May 4/96
        Organic Product Marketing Strategies    A21K952 60      $594
                Thursday, Jan. 11 to March 7/96                 
        Organic Value-Added Processing  A21K953 60      $594
                Thursday, Oct. 19 to Dec. 14/95                 
        Organic Industry Evaluations    A21K956 60      $594
                Tuesday, Oct. 17 to Dec. 12/95

        GROUP B - PRE-SELECTED OPTIONS                          
        Cow/Calf Production     A21K915 30      $ 297
        General Sheep Production        A21K935 30      $ 486
        Pasture Management Systems      A21K937 30      $ 297
        Shaping Canadian Agricultural Policy    A21K924 30      $ 297
        Farm Accounting A21K902 60      $ 594
        Farm Accounting with Computers  A21K929 60      $ 760
        Entrepreneurship in Agriculture A21K918 60      $ 594

        Independent Organic Farm Inspector Training - Advanced
A21K930 30      $

This course provides a practical approach to the process of
converting a traditional farming operation into an organic operation.
Included is a historical perspective of the philosophies behind organ
ic production, a discussion on regulating bodies and their
implications, weed control, fertility management, transitional
procedures, and marketing practices.

This 101A D approved course provides training in the certification
process of farms and processors, including organic standards and
materials, conducting inspections and developing inspection reports
, elements of the audit trail and its review, determining
contamination and pest management, national and international organic
products regulations, an overview of different types of organic farm
d processor inspections, and aspects of communication and
confidentiality in working as an inspector. Prerequisite: Organic
Farming Techniques or previous inspection skills.

This course will help you define Ovalue-addedO opportunities and will
provide you with case studies in how to get started in a value-added
business.  It will examine food processing regulations, proc
essing methods, organic certification processing standards, and
identification of further opportunities.
This course will explain the uniqueness of organic products and
packaging requirements and will help you establish a pricing policy.
It will describe regulatory obstacles to organic marketing and reg
ulatory restrictions. You will learn how to conduct market research,
define a market, address challenging questions from the competition,
prepare a sales and distribution plan, identify potential cus
tomers and determine advantages of wholesale, retail, CSA, and direct
sales. Organic Marketing Club members will be particularly interested
in this course.

You will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to perform
evaluations of Organic Certification Bodies so that they may be
examined for accreditation by the Canadian Organic Advisory Board
The implementation of the Canadian Organic Certification Standards
(Jan. 1/96) requires that COAB has access to well-trained evaluators
to evaluate a CBOs compliance with the criteria and requirement
s as developed by the COAB.  Prerequisite: 101A D approved Organic
Inspector Training.

This course provides advanced training for individuals who have
previous organic inspection experience and who need to meet annual
continuing education requirements.  Inspectors will meet training re
quirements for independent, third-party status as required by the
Independent Organic Inspectors Association.
Prerequisite: 101A D approved Inspector Training.

This course will discuss effective and economically sound
conventional management practices for the cow/calf producer including
nutrition, health issues, vaccinations, facilities, breeding and
uctive systems, and productivity evaluation
This introductory course provides a practical approach to
conventional sheep production, management of flock health,
record-keeping, marketing strategies, feeding systems, breeding
systems, facilitie
s requirements, and shepherd skills.

In this course, you will examine varietal selection of pasture
forages, pasture planning and rotations, and pasture design including
fencing patterns. Course material will incorporate access to water
 and cattle movement patterns and facilities.

Instruction will include leadership skill training, policy
formulation, and lobby techniques. Information from this course will
be useful for the participant who wishes to be an effective member of
ny farm organization.

This is an introductory course stressing the fundamentals of cash and

accrual, single and double entry, bank reconciliations and preparing
standard financial statements. A case farm is used to work t
hrough a variety of standard and special entries into Manitoba
AgricultureOs Farm Records Two account book.

This course covers the basics of farm accounting including cash and
accrual, single and double entry, bank reconciliations and preparing
standard financial statements. Time will also be spent discove
ring the advantages of a computer in entering case farm transactions.

Looking for ideas to supplement your income?  Interested in
diversifying your farm?  Wondering about starting your own business,
but uncertain where to start? Then  Entrepreneurship in Agriculture is
 the course for you. You will have the opportunity to take your own
ideas and work through a detailed business plan looking at all the
components necessary to make a business venture a success.

Dinah Ceplis
Program Coordinator
Agriculture and Rural Enterprise Division
Assiniboine Community College
Telephone 204-726-6679
E-mail Ceplis@adminnet.assiniboinec.mb.ca
WWW: http://www.assiniboinec.mb.ca/

Date: Fri, 02 Dec 1994 08:27:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Irwin Weintraub <WEINTRAUB@zodiac.rutgers.edu>
To: london@sunsite.unc.edu
Subject: Re: Sustainable Ag Programs (fwd)

From:   IN%"london@calypso-2.oit.unc.edu"  "Lawrence F. London, Jr."
1-DEC-1994 16:55:45.37
To:     IN%"sustag-public@ces.ncsu.edu"
Subj:   Sustainable Ag Programs (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 05:37:35 -0800
>From: Tom Hodges (moderated newsgroup) <sustag@BETA.TRICITY.WSU.EDU>
To: Multiple recipients of list SUSTAG-L <SUSTAG-L@WSUVM1.BITNET>
Subject: Sustainable Ag Programs (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:04:54 EST
>From: Gary Kazmer <GKAZMER@ansc1.cag.uconn.edu>
To: SUSTAG@beta
Subject: Sustainable Ag Programs


Hope it's OK to use the list address for this message, but I didn't
know your personal e-mail address.

I was recently visited by a potential student who was interested in
locating a sustainable ag program (4 year, 2 year, alternative
approach; all possibilities welcome).  The College here at UConn
does not offer such a program, but I thought you might be able to
provide some helpful information in that regard.  This individual had
one year at Trinity College here in CT, and then when west to work
with a CSA group in Colorado where she ran their small dairy
operation for 1 year.  Although I only spoke with her for an hour or
she seems quite interested in sustainable ag as much as a lifestyle
as an academic discipline.  She wants to be more
knowledgable and effective in producing food for community
consumption.  Any ideas where she might be able to pursue this


Gary Kazmer
Associate Professor of
 Animal Science

Rutgers University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources has a
very good program in sustainable agriculture. It includes a variety of
courses in agroecology, organic farming, natural resource management,

Tell the student to write to:

Office of University Undergarduate Admissions
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Post Office Box 2101
New Brunswick, New Jersey  08903-2101
Telephone: 908-932-3770

For more information, the student should call or write to:

Assistant Dean of Academic Programs and Services
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Martin Hall, Room 206
New Brunswick, New Jersey  08903
Telephone: 908-932-9465

Irwin Weintraub
Agriculture Resource Librarian
Rutgers University

Article 80 (65 more) in alt.sustainable.agriculture:
From: bj368@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Mike E. Romano)
Subject: Academic Programs in Sust Agriculture
Date: 24 Oct 92 03:25:16 GMT

  This is a partial list probably needing some updating; it
  is about two years old:

  U Cal Berkeley
  Agroecology Program                 grad research, undergrad
                                      field assistantships
                                      courses, etc.

 U Cal Davis
 Sustainable Agri Program             summer internships, classes
                                      sust agri option within
                                      Science and Mgmt major

 U Cal Santa Cruz                     apprenticeships, grad and
 Agroecology Program                  undergrad courses.

 Iowa State Univ                      emphasizes international
 Ctr for Indigenous                   native knowledge, classes.
  Agriculture & Rural Dev

 Cornell Univ                         courses, grad research
 Ecological Agri Research

 Evergreen State College              courses, year-long under
 Ecological Agri Program              grad inter-disc program
 Olympia, Wash.

 Univ of Florida                      grad work on farming systems
 Farming Systems Program              project, indep grad studies
 Gainesville, FL

Univ of Maine at Orono                4 yr BS degree in Sust Agri
Sust Agri Program                     grad degress with faculty
Orono Maine                           from 6 depts.

Michigan State U                      grad studies, research in
Agroecosystem Project                 in sust agriculture
East Lansing MI
U of Minnesota                        grad studies, research farm
Sustainable Agri Working
St. Paul, MN

U of Missouri                         grad research, courses
Columbia MO

U of Nebraska                         research comparing conv
Inst of Agriculture                   with organic methods
Lincoln NE

N Carolina State U                    courses, workshops, etc.
Dept of Soil Science
Raleigh NC

Ohio State U                          courses, internships
Dept of Entomology                    demonstrational farm
Columbus OH

U of Ohio                             alternative agri courses
Botany Dept                           bio intensive gardening
Athens, OH                            mini farming summer prog

Penn State U                          courses, internships
D of Agri Economics                   research on organic farm
University Park PA

Sterling College                      academic program with one
Craftsbury Common VT                  or two years of study

Syracuse U                            courses, grad research
Syracuse NY

U of Vermont                          BS program in alternative 
Dept of Plant and                     agriculture
Soil Science
Burlington VT

Virginia Polytech Inst                academic courses on grad
Agri Dept                             level
Blacksburg, VA

Washington State U                    grad research in crop and
Dept of Agronomy & Soils              soil management relating
Pullman WA                            to sustainable agriculture

Oklahoma State U                      grad and undergrad courses
Wes Watkins Agri Ctr                  small farm low input and
Lane OK                               diversified agriculture

McGill Univ                           projects for individuals
Ecological Agri Projects              and groups, research and
Ste Anne de Bellevue Quebec           extension program

Sir Sanford Fleming College           2 year diploma program in
School of Natural Resources           ecological agriculture
Frost Campus
Lindsay, Ontario

Washington State U                   grad research in crop 
Dept of Agronomy & Soils             and soil management re
Pullman WA                           sustainable agri

Oklahoma State U                     grad and undergrad
Wes Watkins Agri Research            courses, small farm low
  Center                             input and diversified
Lane OK                              agriculture

McGill University                    research and extension
Ecological Agriculture               programs
Ste. Anne de Bellevue Quebec

Sir Sanford Fleming College          two year diploma program
School of Natural Resources          in ecological agriculture
Lindsay   Ontario

From: hembergea@woods.ulowell.edu
Subject: Re: Programs in Sustainability
Organization: University of Lowell
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1992 21:42:10 GMT

Regarding academic programs in sustainability, please note that
there is a graduate program in Sustainable Systems at Slippery Rock
University (along with affiliated ALTER Project), Slippery Rock,
Pennsylvania  16057-1326.  412 738-0606.

Also, bi-monthly newsletter The Alternator, for info on sustainable
argiculture, energy, and lifestyles.

Article 97 (4 more) in alt.sustainable.agriculture:
From: rhoge@leven.appcomp.utas.edu.au (Robert Hoge)
Subject: Re: Academic Programs in Sust Agriculture
Nntp-Posting-Host: leven
Organization: University of Tasmania at Launceston
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 92 22:33:00 GMT
Lines: 22

Here's a program that was, a year ago, said to be the only one in

University of New England - Orange Agricultural College
Orange NSW 2800  Australia
Tel +61 63 63 5555

Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture
Four or more semesters of part-time external study

Also available: a two-semester Graduate Certificate

Four core units, six optional units

Applicants should have access to a farmer or farm industry
to work on integrative projects, plus the support of a local mentor or

Robert Hoge                           AARNET:
Department of Applied Computing & Mathematics        Phone : +61 03
260 476 
University of Tasmania at Launceston                 Fax :   +61 03
260 368 

>From GALE-SINEX@ae.agecon.wisc.edu Sat Jan  7 22:37:36 EST 1995
Article: 4988 of alt.sustainable.agriculture
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!oit-mail2news-gateway
From: GALE-SINEX@ae.agecon.wisc.edu (Michele Gale-Sinex/CIAS)
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture
Subject: Composting/curriculum
Date: 7 Jan 1995 01:48:07 -0000
Organization: sustag-public mailing list
Lines: 43
Sender: daemon@bigblue.oit.unc.edu
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1D87605635E@ae.agecon.wisc.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bigblue.oit.unc.edu


These materials are not specifically about composting but might give
you ideas on/models for translating sustag information into K-12
curriculum materials.

The Center for Integrated Ag Systems (UW Madison) published a
teacher's guide and supplement for K-12 sustag education which
includes a learning activity about composting and background info
for teachers on that topic. The guide, "Toward a Sustainable
Agriculture," is available for $10; the resources supplement is free
with purchase of the guide.  The guide includes a teacher reference
section (intro to sustag, sustainable cropping and livestock systems,
alternative ag enterprises, public policy issues, ethics and ag), an
instructional unit, and suggested activities.  The resources
supplement is an annotated bibliography.

These are available from CIAS.  Call (608) 262-5200; ask for Selma. 
Or send e-mail to:     troyanoski@ae.agecon.wisc.edu

The Wisconsin Rural Development Center has a set of interdisciplinary
lessons for sustag instruction called "Lessons for Teaching
Sustainable Agriculture."  Very nicely produced.  Call WRDC: (608)
437-5971.  I don't know the price on that.

The Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction has long had an extensive,
nationally recognized, and well-awarded K-12 curriculum/teaching
materials publishing program.  Good models for anyone doing K-12
curriculum.  Call them for a catalogue:  (800) 243-8782.   

Michele Gale-Sinex


Check Iowa State in Ames


UC Santa Cruz has the program started by Alan Chadwick himself.  
Texas A&M, Prairie View may also be offering a simular program.


Lawrence F. London, Jr.<->Venaura Farm<->ICQ#27930345 