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Re: Tagasaste/tree lucerne

Hi to all,

Tagasaste/tree lucerne, lab-lab, purple hyacinth vine.  Is this the 
same thing?  I recently saw this really large, vine with large purple 
pods like pea pods growing on it.  When I enquired I was told that it 
was called a Lab-Lab.  The person that I was talking with said the 
pods were edible - she munched one while I was watching.

Anyone know of a picture that I could see?  I have looked on the web 
and not found any.


"It's never seemed relevant to study people whose only accomplishment 
was to live on a planet for three million years without devouring it. 
But as you approach a point of no return in your plunge toward 
extinction, this study will soon seem very relevant indeed".

Quote from My Ishmael
By Daniel Quinn
Page 123

"All great acts of women and men, start with an idea and a 
willingness to take a stand and do something about it".

Greg Peterson