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RE: Looking for a perma-volunteer in Mexico

From: cwellsasp@aol.com
Reply-To: Bioreg@egroups.com
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 14:34:44 EST
To: <Bioreg@egroups.com>
Subject: [Bioreg] wells in Oaxaca ' looking for perma voluteer

from Chris Wells in Oaxaca, Mexico- I am at Pina Palmera an abilitation
facility for disabled people where Permaculture was such a success thanks to
2 year volunteer Pam MacCan ( and a short visit by Nelson Denman) that the
gardens and  banana circle live on after the hurricane and the compost
is still in dayly use by the disabled.  However since Pam left they need a
new volunteer who works with  Permacultura , speaks or is willing to learn
Spanish and works well with children and teenagers. This is a wonderful
soulful opportunity to apply permaculture and potentially spread it and to
live by the beach in a healthy , beautiful natural setting .
   They are also trying to find Pam to send saludos so I guess you'll get
this and reply to Anna Johansson at pinapalmera@laneta.apc.org
  Also visit their website at www.laneta.apc.org/pina

Hey folks what about a Bioregional CONGRESS, rather than gathering?- We
so much more through these shadow gov{t processes to inform the green
movement. The gathering in Mexico nearly killed the Congress process but it
can be resusitated with great useful results

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From: cwellsasp@aol.com
Reply-To: Bioreg@egroups.com
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 14:34:44 EST
To: <Bioreg@egroups.com>
Subject: [Bioreg] wells in Oaxaca ' looking for perma voluteer

from Chris Wells in Oaxaca, Mexico- I am at Pina Palmera an abilitation
facility for disabled people where Permaculture was such a success thanks to
2 year volunteer Pam MacCan ( and a short visit by Nelson Denman) that the
gardens and  banana circle live on after the hurricane and the compost
is still in dayly use by the disabled.  However since Pam left they need a
new volunteer who works with  Permacultura , speaks or is willing to learn
Spanish and works well with children and teenagers. This is a wonderful
soulful opportunity to apply permaculture and potentially spread it and to
live by the beach in a healthy , beautiful natural setting .
   They are also trying to find Pam to send saludos so I guess you'll get
this and reply to Anna Johansson at pinapalmera@laneta.apc.org
  Also visit their website at www.laneta.apc.org/pina

Hey folks what about a Bioregional CONGRESS, rather than gathering?- We
so much more through these shadow gov{t processes to inform the green
movement. The gathering in Mexico nearly killed the Congress process but it
can be resusitated with great useful results

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