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Brazilian Polycultures- the new organic agricultural model - Article in English by Marsha Hanzi

This is to let you know that I've uploaded ALN No. 48 to the ALN web site.
> The home page for ALN is at http://ag.arizona.edu/OALS/ALN/ALNHome.html
> If you want to go directly to the table of contents for this specific
> issue, it's at
> http://ag.arizona.edu/OALS/ALN/aln48/aln48toc.html
> I double-checked everything before uploading it to make sure all links
> working and, I hope, catch all typos and other minor problems--but
> something always slips through. So, please check your own articles
> especially carefully, and let me know about any problems you find.
> Such problems may not get fixed until 2 January, because I am driving out
> to California early tomorrow morning and will be leaving work early today.
> I'll be back in Tucson on the 27th, but the University will be shut down
> (they turn off heat and electricity to all but essential functions between
> Christmas and New Year's Day).
> I've also sent out the email version today; the paper summary version will
> not be ready to send out until sometime early in January.
> I would like to thank all of you very much for providing me with your
> articles and for your patience in waiting to see some actual results. It's
> been a pleasure working with all of you.
> Also, best wishes for Christmas/the solstice/Hannukah/Ramadan/Kwaanzaa
> and/or any other festivities you are celebrating at this time of year!
> Best regards,
> Katherine Waser
> Katherine Waser, Editor                       Tel: 520-621-8584
> Arid Lands Information Center          Fax: 520-621-3816
> The University of Arizona                   E-mail: kwaser@ag.arizona.edu
> 1955 E. 6th St.
> Tucson, AZ 85719-5224